This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.1) of this package.

Generate a QR code easily in PHP

1.1 2019-11-19 15:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-07-02 23:21:33 UTC


PHPQR is archived and no longer maintained.

Use the Chart API directly. See

Or, even better, use a QR code library for PHP.

If you are still using PHPQR, I recommend you to fork this repo.


Encode a text easily made with Google's API

This plugin for PHP that is easy to use makes creating QR codes easier. It sends a HTTP request to '' to get a QR code.

Getting Started

Download the lastest version and unpack it.

Write this code to include the library:
require 'path/to/phpqr/class.php';
And then you can use the library in the PHP code.
Install with Composer
composer require restaurantcontroller/phpqr dev-master

Then, call the class
require 'path/to/vendor/restaurantcontroller/phpqr/class.php';
Docs are coming soon

Generating a QR Code To generate a QR code, create an PHPQR instance.

And then, call generateQRWithArray($size, $raw) function to get the QR data as an array.The raw variable is your text. What does it return in an array?
It returns "imgUrl" as the QR code URL and "htmlCode" as the html code for getting the code in your HTML page.
Size example: 200x200
Size data: widthxheight

Report An Issue

Please if you have a problem post it in Issues in GitHub. We will help you.