
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Simple PHP library to measuring code execution time with memory usage.

dev-master 2021-03-12 06:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-12 12:43:10 UTC


Simple PHP library to measuring code execution time with memory usage.

Installation - via composer.json

"requtize/code-timer": "^0.1.0"


use Requtize\CodeTimer\CodeTimer;

$timer = new CodeTimer;

// Sets category color which is displayed on some timeline preview.
$timer->setCategoryColor('handle-request', 'green');
$timer->setCategoryColor('controller', 'red');

// Starts and stops recording the request.
// Between those two methods call, all rest methods should be called.

// Opens and closes section.
$timer->openSection('section-name', 'handle-request');

// Starts and stops some event to measure its duration and memory.
// It will be attached to current opened section
$timer->start('some event', 'controller');
$timer->stop('some event');

// Exports collected data to predefined formats.
$data = $timer->exportToArray();
$data = $timer->exportToJson();

Result array

$data = [
    'total-time' => [
        'start'    => 15623363564,
        'end'      => 15623373668,
        'duration' => 10104
    'sections' => [
            'name'     => 'section-name',
            'start'    => 10,
            'duration' => 154,
            'memory'   => 17431234,
            'category' => 'handle-request',
            'category-color' => 'green'
        // Rest of sections...
    'stops' => [
            'name'     => 'some event',
            'start'    => 20,
            'duration' => 30,
            'memory'   => 17431234,
            'category' => null,
            'category-color' => null,
            'section'  => 'section2'
        // Rest of stops...

TimeLine drawing - Preview

Source data returned from this library can be used to draw the Time Line of execution. Please find dedicated JavaScript timeline drawer here: requtize/timeline-drawer.


This code is licensed under MIT License.