
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Admin Panel for the Laravel framework.



This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


#Foundation for building custom Laravel admin panels.

A basic admin panel for Laravel 5.3 to build upon.
After all most of our apps need some kind of admin panel

What does it provide?

  • Configuration file to customize behavior.
  • Database migration. (adds 'role' column for the users)
  • Database seeder. (creates the first admin user for you)
  • Middleware to restrict access to the admin panel.
  • Basic views and assets. (Bootstrap, jQueryetc and FontAwesome)
  • List all users and reorder them as needed.
  • Create Read Update and Delete users.

Installation and Setup

Start fresh!

Create new laravel project.


Create a database of your choice.


Update the configuration for the database connection in the .env file in the root of your laravel project.

Setup Laravel's user authentication

From the root folder of your project run:

php artisan make:auth

Require the package.

From the root folder of your project run:

composer require reppair/admin dev-master

Add the service provider

In the config/app.php file add a new line to the service providers array:


Publish the resources

From the root folder of your project run:

php artisan vendor:publish

Add the alias for the route middleware:

In the app/Http/Kernel.php file add a new line to the protected $routeMiddleware array:

'admin' => \Reppair\Admin\AdminMiddleware::class,

Configure the admin panel:

Take a look at the config/adminpanel.php. There you can see & reconfigure options like the credentials for the admin user and the role that a user must have to pass trough the AdminMiddleware.

Migrate the database

From the root folder of your project run:

php artisan migrate

composer dump-autoload

Add a new user with permissions to access the admin

From the root folder of your project run:

php artisan db:seed --class UsersTableSeeder

##That's it! Boot up a server, log-in and go to /admin.