
CRM Admin Module


Secured login

CRM provides another layer of security when accessing admin. If you enable admin_secure_login_check flag in your application configuration ("Require secure authentication method for admin roles" in CRM admin), CRM will require a set of specific flags to be present in order to grant access to the administration:

  • Session flag set during the login stating that it was a secure login.
    • This needs to be decided and set by you and implemented through your own SignInEventHandler. Reference implementation is below. We usually recommend setting this flag when there's a Google sign in session from a specific verified domain.
  • User meta flag secure_login_allowed set manually in the CRM admin (through user detail). Consider this as a one-time confirmation that user can actually access the admin.

Reference implementation of the sign in event handler

class UserSignInEventHandler extends AbstractListener
    private const SECURE_LOGIN_META = 'secure_logged_in';

    private $secureAdminAccess;

    public function __construct(SecuredAdminAccess $securedAdminAccess) {
        $this->secureAdminAccess = $securedAdminAccess;

    public function handle(EventInterface $event)
        if (!$event instanceof UserSignInEvent) {
            throw new \Exception("Invalid type of event received, UserSignInEvent expected, got: " . get_class($event));

        $source = $event->getSource();

        if ($source === \Crm\UsersModule\Auth\Sso\GoogleSignIn::ACCESS_TOKEN_SOURCE_WEB_GOOGLE_SSO) {


Translation status @ Weblate



General from/to date filter with optional container.

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Source code

How to use


Top admin menu.

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Source code

How to use