
TinyPNG uploader via scraper

v1.0 2018-08-28 10:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-07 19:39:24 UTC


Scraper TinyPNG

This scraper TinyPNG use Scraper.


$ composer require rem42/scraper-tinypng "^1.0"


Nothing Needed



    use Scraper\Scraper\Client;
    use Scraper\ScraperTinyPNG\Request\TinyPNGUploaderRequest;
    $request = new TinyPNGUploaderRequest();
    	->setFileContent(file_get_contents('path to your file'))
    	->setUserAgent('Need a browser user agent to work !')
    $client = new Client();
    $result = $client->api($request);

In the result var there is the Upload entity wich contains all the result from tinypng json response serialized in this entity.

You can also use a web upload and you only need tu set an url :


    use Scraper\Scraper\Client;
    use Scraper\ScraperTinyPNG\Request\TinyPNGWebUploaderRequest;
    $request = new TinyPNGWebUploaderRequest();
    	->setUrl('url to your file')
    	->setUserAgent('Need a browser user agent to work !')
    $client = new Client();
    $result = $client->api($request);