
API Prestashop 1.7

v3.2.4 2024-07-05 13:07 UTC


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Scraper can handle multiple request type and transform them into object in order to create some API.


composer require rem42/scraper-prestashop


  • PHP >= 8.1


Initiate the client with the http client of your choice that implement the Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface interface.


use Scraper\Scraper\Client;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\CurlHttpClient;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\NativeHttpClient;

$client = new Client(
    new CurlHttpClient()
    // OR
    new NativeHttpClient()

Then you can use the client to make request to the API.

Product list


use Scraper\ScraperPrestashop\Request\PrestashopGetRequest;
use Scraper\ScraperPrestashop\Entity\PrestashopProducts;

$request = new PrestashopGetRequest(
    '', // Your prestashop host
    'key', // Your prestashop webservice key
    'products', // The resource you want to get, like 'products'

// optional for list request
    ->addFilter('limit', 1)
    ->addFilter('offset', 1)

/** @var PrestashopProducts $products */
$products = $client->execute($request);

$products->getProducts(); // Return an array of PrestashopProduct

Product detail


use Scraper\ScraperPrestashop\Request\PrestashopGetRequest;
use Scraper\ScraperPrestashop\Entity\PrestashopProduct;

$request = new PrestashopGetRequest(
    '', // Your prestashop host
    'key', // Your prestashop webservice key
    'products', // The resource you want to get, like 'products'


/** @var PrestashopProduct $product */
$product = $client->execute($request);

$product->name; // Return the product name
$product->dateAdd; // Return the product creation date