
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Object-oriented development framework for WordPress.

1.8.0 2021-03-03 13:53 UTC


Object-oriented development framework for WordPress to simplify developers life.

Now you can spend less time for routine operations like creating post-types, taxonomies, meta-boxes. WPKit will help you write less code -> drink more beer :)

Powered by Redink AS


The WPKit framework is open-source software and distributed under the GPL-2+ license. See LICENSE for more information.


Just include WPKit autoloader

require_once __DIR__ . '/WPKit/init_autoloader.php';

and you can start using it. We recommend use module structure fully supported by WPKit.

Usage example

Post type

Lets create post type Cars. You just need create new instance of PostType with slug and single name in parameters.

$cars_post_type = new WPKit\PostType\PostType('car','Car');


Now we need add some custom fields. First of all we need create metabox

$metabox = new WPKit\PostType\MetaBox('data','Properties');

And then we need add this metabox to our post type

$cars_post_type->add_metabox( $metabox );


$metabox->add_post_type( $cars_post_type );

You can add one matabox to several post types.


$metabox->add_field( 'reg_no', 'Registration #' );  // By default Text field will be used
$metabox->add_field( 'year', 'Year', 'Number' );    // You can set Field in 3rd parameter as string
$metabox->add_field( 'color', 'Color', function(){  // Or use more flexible callback function
	$filed = new WPKit\Fields\Select();
	$filed->set_options([                           // Like settings options and other
	return $filed;                                  // Function should always return created filed
} );

To get value of custom fields use MetaBox::get() method.

<?php $year = WPKit\PostType\MetaBox::get( get_the_ID(), 'data', 'year' ); ?>


You can use WP_Mock. There are an example of bootstrap file for tests:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


define( 'TEMPLATEPATH', __DIR__ );
$loader = new \WPKit\Module\Loader();

More features will come in Wiki or just explore code ;)

Release History

Version 1.7.0

  • New options for OptionPage, Taxonomy
  • DateTime and PostSelect field added
  • Api key for google maps field
  • Unit Testing with WP_Mock added
  • Fix ssl assets load
  • Fix for using WPKit in child themes
  • Select2 updated to 4.0.3 version
  • Placeholder fix for Select2
  • Fix problem with several Select2 on page

Version 1.6.3

  • Fixes on repeatable
  • Fix with http/https select2 assets loading

Version 1.6.2

  • Default values for repeatable metabox
  • Auto add 'http://' in Url field
  • Default value in Option::get method
  • Remove srcset from image in Image field
  • Composer rename
  • Fixes

Version: 1.6

  • PostLoader for huge homepages builders to reduce SQL queries
  • MetaBox Related Posts limit parameter added
  • PostType show_in_menu, public parameters added
  • MetaBoxRepeatable - added vertical layout and some improvements
  • Taxonomy show_ui parameter added
  • PostType has_archive type fix
  • Video field changed to use oEmbed
  • File field fix for SVG support
  • WP 4.5 improvements
  • TaxonomyMeta deprecated due to core WP functionality
  • PHP 7 preparation

Version: 1.5.6

  • Youtube API key fix

Version: 1.5.5

  • APSIS integration
  • Fixes on youtube and instagram integrations
  • PHPDoc description added

Version: 1.5

  • WPEditor params added
  • Additional request parameters in Instagram
  • Added add_action add_filter into autoread Initialization
  • Add Transient cache
  • Added JS triggers on repeatable actions
  • Fixes in repeatable metabox
  • Fix for multiple image/file buttons on screen

Version: 1.3

  • Added rewrite for post types
  • Added select2 for select field
  • Added localizations
  • Added limits for metabox Repeatable
  • Added Users meta box
  • Implemented Youtube integration class
  • Implemented Instagram integration class
  • Reload JS on fields
  • Object cache support
  • More table bulk action fix
  • Repeatable metabox save fixes

Version: 1.2.1

  • Added rewrite options for post type
  • Table bulk action fix
  • AbstractWidget AJAX fix

Version: 1.2

  • Context to metaboxes
  • Multiple select support
  • YouTube integration class
  • MetaBox Related Posts
  • Wrong url in enqueue inline script
  • No results message for Map field

Version: 1.1

  • Added Fields
    • Date
    • File
    • Map
    • WPEditor
    • Hidden
    • Number
  • Repeatable/Sortable fields set
  • Table order fix

Version: 1.0.4

  • first version