
Simplify your payments with Georgian Card Gateway.

v1.0.2 2020-05-22 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 15:56:29 UTC


Georgian Card Gateway is easy to use package. it takes a lot of work off your back.

With this package you can make:

  • regular payments ( requiring input of user's credit card information on each transaction)
  • recurrent payments (basically with this method you can save user's credit card into merchant and then make payments without asking user credit card info every time. )


Installation is fairly simple:

$ composer require redberry/georgian-card-gateway

Set Up

1. env

you have to enter necessary credentials for your merchant in the enviroment variables file.


Represents your merchant's identificator, which will be given to you from BOG.


Represents the identificator of the payments page, which can be customized and styled with your preferences.


On merchant there can be meny pos terminals. And on each terminal there will be account, on which the payments will be directed. Most likely you will need only one terminal. But in this doc we will also see how can we manage payments on multiple terminals.


Represents in which currency transaction should happen. you will most probably use 981 which represents Lari. see more


Represents password for making refunds of your transactions.


The url which will be visited after successfull transaction. for example:


The url which will be visited after failed transaction. for example:

2. vendor publish

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redberry\GeorgianCardGateway\Support\ServiceProvider"

3. bind georgian card handler

For you to be able to make transaction records in database, make reccurent transaction or do something on failed/success ending, it's nessessary to create class for Georgian card and bind it into container.

So... let's create class, which will have path: "app/Library/GeorgianCard.php" and will implement GeorgianCardHandler interface:


namespace App\Library;

use Redberry\GeorgianCardGateway\Contracts\GeorgianCardHandler;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class GeorgianCard implements GeorgianCardHandler
   * Get primary transaction id
   * for recurrent transactions.
   * @param   Request $request
   * @return  string|null
  public function getPrimaryTransactionId( Request $request )
    // Return primary transaction id

   * Determine if it should save card or pay
   * and proceed accordingly.
   * @param   Request  $request
   * @return  void
  public function update( Request $request )
    // Do things...

   * Success method will be executed if
   * transaction is to end successfully.
   * @return mixed
  public function success()
    dump( 'Success' );

   * Failed method will be executed if
   * transaction is to end with failure.
   * @return mixed
  public function failure()
    dump( 'Failure' );

Now bind it into our app service provider:

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Library\GeorgianCard;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this -> app -> bind( 'redberry.georgian-card.handler', GeorgianCard :: class );

Now you can make simple regular transaction

use Redberry\GeorgianCardGateway\Transaction;

$transaction = new Transaction;

      -> setOrderId   ( $orderId    )
      -> setAmount    ( $amount     ) // 100 = 1 lari
      -> setUserId    ( $userId     ) // optional
      -> setUserCardId( $userCardId ) // optional
      -> set( 'rame'  , 'rume' ) 
      -> execute();

All this fields that we set when making new instance of Transaction, will be available for us to see with bunch of other BOG info, when our GeorgianCard -> update() method will be executed. and in that moment you can save db records and so on...

Making refund of the transaction

use Redberry\GeorgianCardGateway\Refund;

$refund =  new Refund;

      -> setTrxId ( $trxId  )
      -> setRRN   ( $RRN    )
      -> setAmount( $amount )
      -> execute();
TrxId and RRN

TrxId and RRNs are transaction ids, which will be given to you in the GeorgianCard -> update method, you have to save it in DB and then use it to make refund of that transaction.