
dev-main 2022-03-18 21:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 01:01:31 UTC



Time of development is developers' main concern, which they always try to decrease when involved in any project. So, this package helps them finish their takes fast and easily by using time-shortening pre-defined method having the ability to end all service processes in the blink of an eye.
As we know, Design patterns represent the best practice that the developers use to solve the general problems that they face during software development, so in this library, we use a Repository pattern to implement all API functionality whether they were simple CRUD or even complex ones


$ composer require red-code/master-package

copy service provider link to config/app.php , providers[]


then you should publish library's config file by typing the following command

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider=MP\Base\MasterPackageServiceProvider

Request Flow

Route -> Controller -> Request -> Controller's method -> Repository's method -> Resource -> Back to controller's method

How to use

You should follow the following instruction to take the advantages that the library supports


After creating your own controller, you should inherit library's controller

class Controller extends \MP\Base\Http\Controllers\Controller
    protected $request = {RequestClass}::class;
    protected $repository = {RepositoryClass}::class;

After validating request's data, Controller moves the request to Repository's method which it does have the same name of called controller's method to perform the intended actions.

For CURD operations, you won't need to create any methods in Repository class 'cause they are already implemented in the Parent repository, otherwise you should create method with the same name of the called controller's method.


 class Request extends \MP\Base\Http\Requests\Request


class Repository extends \MP\Base\Repositories\Repository
    protected $model = {ModelClass}::class;
    protected $resource = {ResourceClass}::class;

Repository class calls Resource serializeFor{repository'sMethod} method automatically, if you are working on the simple CRUD methods, otherwise you should use

$this->collection($data, $isList = false, $name = null) 

to call the resource's method, so you can customize the returned data easily

  • You can call any method from Resource even if that method does not have serializeFor{repository'sMethod} name by passing its name as a third parameter of collection method.
  • Guess what, you can customize the data attribute of Pagination Object easily without any further complexity, by passing PaginationObject to the collection method and mark it as a list by passing true value to the second parameter of the same collection method


class Resource extends \MP\Base\Http\Resources\Resource

Resource object returns the result of toArray($request) for all undefined called method, otherwise it returns the result of defined called methods


We recommend you to use LModular if you want to get the benefits of the auto dependency injection which is the way that the library use to detect Resource, Repository, Request, and Model automatically by creating the package with the same structure that the LModular does, and naming all previous classes with the same name of the Model class.
