
A library to create basic dynamic routes (e.g. based on language)

dev-master 2021-02-26 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 02:03:48 UTC


This package allows you to have basic-dynamic cachable routes.


composer require recoded/dynamic-routes

The package has auto discovery, should this not work then you should add Recoded\DynamicRoutes\RouteServiceProvider your app.php config in the Providers section.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Recoded\DynamicRoutes\RouteServiceProvider"

This step is optional but required if you wish to change the DynamicRouteResolver.

How it works

The package is based on the DynamicRouteResolver interface/contract. It enforces you to provide an array of all possible values the dynamic variable can receive, to pre-cache the routes and all variants of them. This contract also has a resolve method which is used to retrieve the current dynamic value. (this gets passed as the first argument to the callback of the dynamic macro on the Laravel Router)


The package ships with a default LocaleRouteResolver which looks at the current locale of the application set with e.g. app()->setLocale() and uses all folders inside your language resources as possible values. This is useful when you have for example a ServiceProvider that determines the locale of your app based on the first segment of the URL (e.g. /en, /nl, /de) or based on subdomains. (stateless data)


I don't think the DynamicRouteResolver needs explanation and is pretty straight forward. But here is an example of you you can load different routes based on e.g. language:

Route::dynamic(function (string $key) {
    require sprintf('%s/%s.php', __DIR__, $key);

This allows you to have separate files for each language your app supports. But you could also just use the trans() helper for example to translate your routes.


The DynamicRouteResolver gets resolved before Middleware so you will not be able to use session values. Which makes sense because routing happens before Middleware.