
Provides Symfony with EasyMDE - Markdown Editor

Installs: 13

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v0.1.0 2022-08-31 17:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 05:00:01 UTC


This simple bundle provides Symfony with a new Type that embeds the EasyMDE - Markdown Editor.


Download the bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory, and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle and add it as a dependency to your project:

composer require reclic/easymde-bundle

Enable the bundle

Then, if it hasnn't been performed automatically, enable the bundle by adding a new line to your config/bundles.php:


return [
    Reclic\EasyMDEBundle\ReclicEasyMDEBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Install and load the assets

If there is no recliceasymde folder inside the public/bundles/ directory, you'll have to install the assets by running this command:```

./bin/console assets:install

You'll have to load the public/bundles/recliceasymde/main.js and public/bundles/recliceasymde/main.css assets to your template. Using the SonataAdmin bundle, it can be performed by editing the config/packages/sonata_admin.yaml this way:



            - bundles/recliceasymde/main.js
            - bundles/recliceasymde/main.css


Simply call the Reclic\EasyMDEBundle\Type\ReclicEasyMDEType inside your form.

You can configure the EasyMDE toolbar (using this table) by passing an array :

'attr' => [
    'data-toolbar' => 'heading, bold, italic, |, unordered-list, ordered-list, |, link, image, |, preview, side-by-side'