
Implementation of the Money Value Object

v2.1.0 2024-03-01 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 13:51:25 UTC


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Value Object that represents a monetary value using a currency's smallest unit. This library is originally based on Sebastian Bergmann's discontinued library. It's been updated with support added for currency exchange.


Simply add a dependency on rebilly/money to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project.

Usage Examples

Creating a Money object and accessing its monetary value

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create Money object that represents 1 EUR
$m = new Money(100, new Currency('EUR'));

// Access the Money object's monetary value
print $m->getAmount();

// Access the Money object's monetary value converted to its base units
print $m->getConvertedAmount();

The code above produces the output shown below:



Creating a Money object from a string value

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create Money object that represents 12.34 EUR
$m = Money::fromString('12.34', new Currency('EUR'))

// Access the Money object's monetary value
print $m->getAmount();

The code above produces the output shown below:


Basic arithmetic using Money objects

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create two Money objects that represent 1 EUR and 2 EUR, respectively
$a = new Money(100, new Currency('EUR'));
$b = new Money(200, new Currency('EUR'));

// Negate a Money object
$c = $a->negate();
print $c->getAmount();

// Calculate the sum of two Money objects
$c = $a->add($b);
print $c->getAmount();

// Calculate the difference of two Money objects
$c = $b->subtract($a);
print $c->getAmount();

// Multiply a Money object with a factor
$c = $a->multiply(2);
print $c->getAmount();

The code above produces the output shown below:


The compareTo() method returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the value of one Money object is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than that of another Money object.

You can use the compareTo() method to sort an array of Money objects using PHP's built-in sorting functions:

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

$m = array(
    new Money(300, new Currency('EUR')),
    new Money(100, new Currency('EUR')),
    new Money(200, new Currency('EUR'))

    function ($a, $b) { return $a->compareTo($b); }

foreach ($m as $_m) {
    print $_m->getAmount() . "\n";

The code above produces the output shown below:


Allocate the monetary value represented by a Money object among N targets

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create a Money object that represents 0,99 EUR
$a = new Money(99, new Currency('EUR'));

foreach ($a->allocateToTargets(10) as $t) {
    print $t->getAmount() . "\n";

The code above produces the output shown below:


Allocate the monetary value represented by a Money object using a list of ratios

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create a Money object that represents 0,05 EUR
$a = new Money(5, new Currency('EUR'));

foreach ($a->allocateByRatios(array(3, 7)) as $t) {
    print $t->getAmount() . "\n";

The code above produces the output shown below:


Extract a percentage (and a subtotal) from the monetary value represented by a Money object

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create a Money object that represents 100,00 EUR
$original = new Money(10000, new Currency('EUR'));

// Extract 21% (and the corresponding subtotal)
$extract = $original->extractPercentage(21);

    "%d = %d + %d\n",

The code above produces the output shown below:

10000 = 8265 + 1735

Please note that this extracts the percentage out of a monetary value where the percentage is already included. If you want to get the percentage of the monetary value you should use multiplication (multiply(0.21), for instance, to calculate 21% of a monetary value represented by a Money object) instead.

Convert Money object currency to to another Money object given a conversion rate

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;

// Create a Money object that represents 100,00 EUR
$original = new Money(10000, new Currency('EUR'));

$converted = $original->convert(new Currency('USD'), 1.09, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$converted->getConvertedAmount(); // 109.00

Convert Money using a Rate Object

$cp = new CurrencyPair(new Currency('USD'), new Currency('EUR'));
$rate = new Rate($cp, new DateTime(), 0.92);

$money = new Money(1000, new Currency('USD'));
$markupBips = 500; // 5% markup

$newMoney = $rate->convert($money)->multiply($markupBips / 10000 + 1);

Get Currency Exchange Rate Using a Rate Provider

$cp = new CurrencyPair(new Currency('USD'), new Currency('EUR'));
$rateProvider = new InMemoryRateProvider(['EUR/USD' => 1.09, 'USD/EUR' => 0.9172], new DateTime());
$rate = $c->getRate($rateProvider);




If you discover a security vulnerability, please report it to security at rebilly dot com.


The Money library is open-sourced under the MIT License distributed with the software.