
Shared php-cs-fixer rules & finders preset

v1.20.0 2025-02-19 06:44 UTC


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Relax is built on top of PHP-CS-Fixer and makes it easy to provide a standardized way to apply coding standards across multiple projects, ensuring consistency and adherence to best practices.

By using predefined rulesets, it simplifies the setup process and allows teams to quickly integrate PHP-CS-Fixer into their development workflow.


You can install this package by using composer:

composer require --dev realodix/relax

Running Relax

./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix

For more details, see PHP-CS-Fixer documentation.

Configuring Relax

You can easily create your own rule set by extending the Realodix\Relax\RuleSet\AbstractRuleSet class and use it! See docs/ for an example of how to create your own rule set.


use Realodix\Relax\Config;
use Vendor\Package\MyRuleSet;

return Config::create(new MyRuleSet);

Sometimes for big dirty projects, you want to implement some local rules without implementing a ruleset, why not.

$localRules = [
    // ...


For advanced configuration, see the docs/


Preset defines a built-in set of rules that are ready to be used to fix code style issues in your code.


Finder Sets

By default, Relax will inspect all .php files in your project except those in the vendor directory.

💡 By default, if finder is not set Relax will use Finder::base().


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Please report bugs to the GitHub Issue Tracker.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.