
Simple GraphDB wrapper for easy db access

1.1 2018-08-12 01:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:52:51 UTC


Set up:

use GraphAware\Neo4j\Client\ClientBuilder;
use rdx\graphdb\Database;

// Use graphaware/neo4j-php-client for the complicated connection stuff
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
	->addConnection('default', CONNECTION_URL_HERE)

// Add a very simple wrapper for easy access
$db = new Database($client);

Get & do stuff:

one(query, params):

$user = $db->one('MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.name = {name} RETURN u', ['name' => 'Alice']);

many(query, params):

$users = $db->many('MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.age > {age} RETURN u.name, u.age', ['age' => 30]);

execute(query, params):

$data = ['age' => 30, 'hobbies' => ['parking', 'waiting']];
$db->execute('MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.name = {name} SET u += {data}', compact('name', 'data'));

Query builder:

Works for one(), many() and execute(). Takes care of params.

use rdx\graphdb\Query;

$data = ['since' => time()];
	->where('p1.name = {person1}', compact('person1'))
	->where('p2.name = {person2}', compact('person2'))
	->create('(p1)-[:IS_FRIENDS_WITH {data}]->(p2)', compact('data'))

	->return('p1', 'p2', 'f.since AS since', 'id(f) AS fid')
	->order('p1.name ASC', 'p2.name ASC')