
Just a simple wrapper around the wp_mail function, now you can easily send an email from within WP without having to set a header by youself. We also provide some error handling

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Open Issues: 0


1.0.2 2023-06-19 01:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 03:40:51 UTC


Simple WordPress Mailer class

The intention of this snippet is to facilitate the use of wp_mail native function. Normally, when using, wp_mail, some parameters are required in order for it to work: headers, subject, body etc.

If all you have is the user id, you will need to use other WordPress function to get the email and, only then, pass it to wp_mail. While, coding a plugin or a theme, this will require a different file and class, as calling all this wp functions will, most certanly, make a mess in your code.

However, if you use WPMailerClass, you only need to provide ONE relevant receiver data, id OR email. See the examples:

Here, only id is provided

$send_mail = new WPMailerClass( 1, 'Amazing subject!', 'Amazing message!' );

Here, only e-mail is provided

$send_mail = new WPMailerClass( 'youruser@mail.com', 'Amazing subject!', 'Amazing message!' );

And if you want to defensive handle errors you can do the following

$send_mail = new WPMailerClass( 'youruser@mail.com', 'Amazing subject!', 'Amazing message!' );
$result = $send_mail->sendEmail();

if($result instanceof WP_Error){
    error_log($result->get_error_message()); // this will log 'WPMailerClass could not send email'