
PHP implementation of Qt's signals/slots. This release is for 5.3+ & 7+ as there are namespaces. Please see other version for previous version without namespaces

7.1.12 2018-01-07 15:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 08:47:10 UTC


Based on Qt's implementation of signals/slots ( not asynchronous )


This release is for 5.3+ & 7+ as there are namespaces. Please see other version for previous version without namespaces.

As with Qt's signals/slots, this package was built to be very light, and work well with existing applications that didn't originally depend on it.

Adding the functionality of this package is simple:

  1. Extend RCS_Core_Object in your existing class(es).
  2. Add @signal declarations to your doc comments for your class.
  3. Add @slot declarations to your doc comments for your functions.


 * @signal signalWithNoArguments
 * @signal signalWithOneArgument
 * ^-- This is required. You will declare all of your signals this way
class Test_Signal_Class extends \RCS\Core\Object
    public function testFunctionEmittingSignalWithNoArguments ()
        $this->emit( "signalWithNoArguments" );
    public function testFunctionEmittingSignalWithOneArgument ()
        $this->emit( "signalWithOneArgument", new Test_Model_Class() );

class Test_Slot_Class extends \RCS\Core\Object
     * @slot
     * ^-- This is required to declare the function as a slot
    public function testSlotForSignalWithNoArguments ()
        print "Got to " . __METHOD__ . "<br />\n";
     * @slot
     * ^-- This is required to declare the function as a slot
    public function testSlotForSignalWithOneArgument ( Test_Model_Class $testModelClass )
        // var_dump(debug_backtrace());
        print "Got to " . __METHOD__ . "<br />\n";

class Test_Model_Class {}

$testSignalClass = new Test_Signal_Class();
$testSlotClass = new Test_Slot_Class();

// This is the ideal way to implement the library
\RCS\Core\Object::connect($testSignalClass, "signalWithNoArguments", $testSlotClass, "testSlotForSignalWithNoArguments");
\RCS\Core\Object::connect($testSignalClass, "signalWithOneArgument", $testSlotClass, "testSlotForSignalWithOneArgument");

// This can be used in cases where the original code implementation was done very poorly, 
// or possibly encoded into a package such as Zend Guard or a PHP extension where you can't access the source directly
\RCS\Core\Object::connectByName("Test_Signal_Class", "signalWithOneArgument", $testSlotClass, "testSlotForSignalWithOneArgument");

// This has just one connection

// This has two connections

The above code will result in the following output:

Got to Test_Slot_Class::testSlotForSignalWithNoArguments<br />
Got to Test_Slot_Class::testSlotForSignalWithOneArgument<br />
Test_Model_Class Object
Got to Test_Slot_Class::testSlotForSignalWithOneArgument<br />
Test_Model_Class Object