
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

A generic toolbox of php code

dev-master 2018-03-12 22:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 15:39:54 UTC


Last mod date



This public repository is undergoing development.

Accordingly it is draft work.


This repository is under development.

Here are draft install instructions.

#Step 1

Add a composer.json file or edit yours to include the following.

    "require": {
        "raymond-byczko/toolboxphp": "dev-master"

#Step 2

Edit the file that contains your database credentials. For toolboxphp, this is:


#Step 3

Create a test file to make sure you can autoload correctly. Here is an example


	$al = __DIR__."/../vendor/autoload.php";
	require $al;
	echo '<pre>Inside hitoolbox.php</pre>';
	echo '<pre>'.$al.'</pre>';
	$objTU = new \hasdbchanged\TableUtility();
	$dbattrib = new \hasdbchanged\test\TestAttributes();
	$fullFormat = $objTU->getFullFormat();
	echo '<pre>'."\n";
	echo 'fullFormat='.var_export($fullFormat, TRUE)."\n";
	echo '</pre>'."\n";


Specific installation instructions will be added soon.

Change log

date: 2012-02-12 - added ctlwebservice date: 2012-02-13 - added some DB functionality to ctlwebservice date: 2012-02-14 - pushed code to shared server for a deployment test. To this end, used env variables in .htaccess (SetEnv). date: 2013-02-18 - added dbimport and started populating it. date: 2018-03-02 - added Travis CI. Got it to pass. Need to enhance.


The purpose of this repo is to contain a set of PHP utilities that serve a purpose in software development. Essentially it should make life easier and faster.

This can include anything from php code that looks at mysql databases, to general frameworks to help come up with a web page fast. (This is much better than coming up with a set of pages too slowly for an impatient client.

Every utility is given its own directory in the toolboxphp repository.


  • hasdbchanged - a set of php files for querying into running mysql databases, and determines if the database has changed. It is envisioned this would be a script running under crontab, so that you the developer can see if the database admin guy/gal has pulled the rug from under php code by changing column names etc.

  • ctlwebservice - a demo code set for control something via a web service (SOAP). The 'something' is a table whose height and angle can be adjusted. (The table is assumed to be on a central axle and can be rotated.) This code demonstrates using GET (or POST) along with SOAP and logging via syslog. Database capability is included. See the sql subdirectory for the table create script. Deployment is based on environment variables. See the file: .htaccess.

  • facebookapi - TODO

  • dbimport - this is a set of php code and apache2 files to allow database import to happen, but actually, it will provide more that that. For example, it will allow excel spreadsheet data to be pushed up to a web site and then used to populate one of several types of relational or even NoSQL databases. Basically it allows the movement of data out of spreadsheets. Further, it provides reviewing spreadsheet data via various graphing utilities. Its status is: incomplete, on-going.