Packages from rawveg

  • rawveg/gitlab

    Provides a Service and Provider to allow your Laravel codebase to connect to the Gitlab API using the GitLab PHP API Client

  • rawveg/m2-module-development-core

    A meta composer package containing packages required for Magento 2 module development

  • rawveg/model-validation

    Laravel Model Validation - Uses validation rules at the model level to ensure that all data being saved in a model is valid. Just as you would use Request Validation in your Controllers, Model-Level validation allows you to be ensure that even code within your application that manually creates a model, cannot do so using invalid data.

  • rawveg/module-core

    Core Menus and Libraries required by other modules

  • rawveg/module-upsellmotivator

    Displays messages to encourage customers to add more to their cart to qualify for deals/free shipping etc. The thresholds and deals are all fully configurable.

  • rawveg/norton-shopping-guarantee

    Magento 2 - Norton Shopping Guarantee