
A lightweight ORM

v0.2.0 2014-03-11 19:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:07:35 UTC


Ormish is an Object Relational Mapper with an emphasis on simplicity. It relies on a certain amount of extension and adherence to database conventions. It has one, generic SQL connector at the moment for maximum compatibility.

The library aims to provide an active record pattern to database access, with a basic syntax for general use and an ability to easily extend for your own purposes. I am writing this primarily to learn the Domain and for my own purposes, unless there is significant interest for other parties.

Note: This is a work in progress


Installation is via Composer:

    "require": {
        "rawebone/ormish": "dev-master"


The ORM is pretty simple to get to grips with:


use Rawebone\Ormish\Table;
use Rawebone\Ormish\Factory;

// We use the factory to build a connection
$factory = new Factory("sqlite::memory:", "", "");
$orm = $factory->build();

// We then "Attach" tables to the container - these are used to provide the
// information we need to connect tables to classes and give options for
// the way SQL should be generated.
$orm->attach(new Table('My\Models\Entity', "data_table"));

// We can then access the database table via it's name, which returns a gateway
// object. This allows us to perform actions such as finding data on our table
// using the options from the Table object.
$gateway = $orm->data_table();
$gateway = $orm->get("data_table");

// We can then find a record
$model = $gateway->find(1);

// Data is accessed by properties
$model->name = "Barry";

// Relationships are accessed by methods
$model->sons(); // Sons[]

// We can save or delete the model directly 

// Creates a new instance of the Model for our table
// An array of initial data can be passed in this call to populate the model.
$fresh = $gateway->create(array("name" => "john")); 

The markup for entities is also quite straight forward:

namespace My\Models;

use Rawebone\Ormish\Entity as BaseEntity;

 * Given that we do not have "real" methods and properties to provide an
 * interface, we can use the annotations (courtesy of ApiGen) for your IDE,
 * if it supports them:
 * @property int $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property string $complex_name;
 * @method \My\Models\Other sons()
class Entity extends BaseEntity
    public function sons()
        return $this->getDatabase()->findWhere("parent_id = ?", $this->id);

There is a little more boilerplate required for this compared to other systems, but the payoff is that you have a simple mechanism to keep everything in check.


By default, operations on the database are not carried out inside of transactions, however one can achieve this by the use of the Transaction object:

use Rawebone\Ormish\Transaction;

$tran = new Transaction($orm->getExecutor(), function () use ($entity) {




The root namespace Rawebone\Ormish is reserved for objects which are directly visible to the end user (like Database, Table, Entity) for easy use of the API.

The Rawbone\Ormish\Actions namespace is for Actions that can be applied to a Gateway object (for example: $table->find(1) would refer to a Finder action). The goal is to create small objects containing the logic required for working with the database in a clean and simple way.

The Rawebone\Ormish\Utilities namespace is for objects which are consumed internally in the API and have no outward value to the users. The end user, for example, does not need to see the Shadow or NullShadow objects to use the API.


For Version 0.2.0

  • Complete implementation of Actions and remove this functionality from the Gateway object. (100%)
  • Complete move of objects into the Utilities namespace which have no outward value to end users. (90%)
  • Change to an Exception model for errors. (100%)

For Version 0.3.0

  • Implement a type mapping system. This will be breaking as will it require additional annotations on the Entities.
  • Implement annotations for Tables and deprecate attaching tables manually. This will help keep the Entities close to the database.
  • Implement Relationship handling in a similar fashion to the Actions.

For Version 0.4.0

  • Implement caching (hopefully via a PSR) of results and possibly configuration
  • Basic schema manipulation


All tests are being run with PhpSpec.


MIT License. Go hog wild.