
JsonPDF is a wrapper class of FPDF for creating PDF using JSON data.

v1.0 2014-09-06 08:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 17:15:28 UTC


JsonPDF is a wrapper class for FPDF to allow creating PDF document from JSON data.

Install using Composer

Just add the requirement to you composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "ratiw/jsonpdf": "~1.0"


    require "vendor/autoload.php";

    // This part usually comes from file or http request
    $document = array(
        'body' => array(
                'type' => 'text',
                'width' => 40,
                'height' => 10,
                'text' => 'Hello World!',
                'font' => 'Arial',
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-size' => 16,
                'type' => 'text',
                'text' => 'Hi, {name}!',
    $data = array(
        'name' => 'Rati'

    // The main code is here
    $pdf = new ratiw\JsonPDF\JsonPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
    $pdf->make(json_encode($document), json_encode($data), 'both');
    // $pdf->make(json_encode($document), json_encode($data), 'form');
    // $pdf->make(json_encode($document), json_encode($data), 'data');

See more examples in the examples direcoty.

JSON data structure

    "header":   [..array of object..],
    "footer":   [..array of object..],
    "body":     [..array of object..],
    "settings": [
        "title":    "Document Title",
        "author":   "Author name",
        "subject":  "Subject",
        "creator":  "Generator name",
        "keywords": "list of keywords here",
        "defaultFont": [
            "name": "FontName",
            "size":  16
    "fonts":    [..array of font to be added..],
    "data":     [..array of data..],
    "tables":   [..table definition..]


There are 5 object types in JsonPDF. Each doing a specific task to render PDF document.

Every objects share some common properties like the draw color, fill color (background color), x-y position, etc.

The following object types are available:

  • text
  • line
  • rect
  • image
  • table

Common Object Properties

The following properties are common to all objects, which mean they can be set on any object. They may or may not affect the rendering of the object depending on whether that object uses that property or not.


  • x (optional) starting horizontal position of the object.

  • y (optional) starting vertical position of the object.

  • font (optional) font name.

  • font-style (optional) font style: N, B, BI

  • font-size (optional) font size

  • text-color (optional) text color. If omitted, the current text color will be used.

  • draw-color (optional) line color. If omitted, the current line color will be used.

  • fill-color (optional) fill color, If omitted, the current fill color will be used.

  • line-width (optional) line width. If omitted, the default value (0.2mm as specified in the FPDF document) will be used.

  • render-as (optional) specify whether this object should be render as part of the form or as data.

render-as Property

JsonPDF can be rendered in three different mode. Render only those objects marked as form (RENDER_FORM_ONLY), render only those objects marked as data (RENDER_DATA_ONLY), or render both form and data ('RENDER_ALL`).

The rendered document can be shown as a blank form (RENDER_FORM_ONLY), or can be shown raw data (RENDER_DATA_ONLY) to printed on the pre-made paper form, or can be shown both (RENDER_ALL) to be printed on plain paper.

By default if the render-as property of the object is not defined, the object will be regarded as RENDER_ALL. That means it will get rendered both as part of a form and a data.

Text Object

The text object uses to display text at the specified position. Data can be bound to the text object by enclosing the data name in curly braces {} embedding in the text property of the text object.

The following example shows the username data embedded in the text property. This username will be replaced by the actual data provided in the data section of the JSON.

"body": [
        "type": "text",
        "x": 10,
        "y": 20,
        "text": "Hello, {username}. How are you today!",
        "text-color": "255,125,125"
"data": [
    "username": "Rati"

Additional properties

  • align (optional)

  • ln (optional)

  • border (optional)

  • text (optional)

  • width (optional)

  • height (optional)

  • multiline (optional)

Line Object

The line object uses to draw a line at the given position specified by x1, y1, x2, y2.


  • x1, y1 starting position of the line.

  • x2, y2 end position of the line. If x2 is omitted, the line will be drawn to the right margin of the document. If y2 is omitted, it assumes the value of y1, thus drawing a straight line.

Rect Object

The rect object uses to draw a rectangle on the document using the specified x, y, width, height properties.


  • x, y starting position of the object.

  • width

  • height

  • radius (optional) If provided, will draw a rounded rectangle.

  • style (optional)

Image Object

The image object uses to draw the given image on the document at the speicifed location, width and height.


  • url URL of the image.

  • width (optional)

  • height (optional)

Table, Table Header, Table Body Objects

The table object is used to draw a data table on the document. The table properties must be defined in the tables section and the data must be present in the data section of the JSON.

table object will render the complete table with the table header and body.

table-header object will render only the header part of the given table.

table-body object will render only the body part of the given table.


  • table Name of table defined in the tables section.


This section is used to set various properties for the PDF document.

"settings": {
    "title": "Test PDF Document",
    "author": "Rati Wannapanop",
    "creator": "JsonPDF"


  • alias-nb-pages
  • left-margin
  • top-margin
  • right-margin
  • auto-pagebreak
  • auto-agebreak-margin
  • compression
  • zoom
  • layout
  • default-font
  • utf8
  • author
  • title
  • subject
  • keywords
  • creator
  • header-height

Defining Fonts

You can add custom fonts to be used in your PDF document in this section by providing the array of fontname, fontstyle, and fontfile.

In order to use your own custom fonts, you must creating the fontfile using FPDF's MakeFont function.

See more information on this at FPDF website.

"fonts": [
    ["THSarabun", "", "THSarabun.php"],
    ["THSarabun", "B", "THSarabun Bold.php"],
    ["THSarabun", "I", "THSarabun Italic.php"],
    ["THSarabun", "BI", "THSarabun Bold Italic.php"]

Data Binding

You define data for the variables in this data section. Variable name is enclosed in the curly braces, e.g. {name}.

Variables are usually embedded in the text property of the Text object.

"body": [
        'type': 'text',
        'text': 'Hello, {name}! Today is {date}.'
// ....
"data": {
    "name": "Rati Wannapanop",
    "date": "17/11/2556",
    "table1": [
        ["country": "Austria", "capital": "Vienna", "area": "83,859", "pop": "8,075"],
        ["country": "Belgium", "capital": "Brussels", "area": "30,518", "pop": "10,192"],
        ["country": "Denmark", "capital": "Copenhagen", "area": "43,094", "pop": "5,295"]

Tables Definition

You can define tables structure in this section. Each table definition consists of 3 properties: columns, data, and style.

rows-per-page property (optional) specifies the number of rows to be displayed per page. Blank rows will be displayed if necessary.

columns property defines each column characteristic for the given table. See Table Column below.

data property specifies which key in the data section should be used for data rendering inside the given table.

style property defines how the given table should be rendered. The style properties is optional and if omitted default value will be used. See Table Style below.

"tables": [
    ["world_info_table": {
        "rows-per-page": 10,
        "columns": [
                "name": "country",
                "width": 45,
                "title": "Country",
                "title-align": "L",
                "data-align": "L"
                "name": "pop",
                "width": 50,
                "title": "Pop. (thousands)",
                "title-align": "C",
                "data-align": "R"
        "data": "world_info_data",
        "style": {
            "border-color": "50,55,200",
            "border": "LR",
            "title-row": {
                "height": 8,
                "text-color": "200,100,50",
                "fill-color": "100,50,50"
            "data-row": {
                "height": 8,
                "text-color": "0,0,0",
                "fill-color": "224,235,255",
                "striped": true,
    ["second_table": {

Table Column

"columns": [
    {"name": "country", "width": 45, "title": "Country", "title-align": "L", "data-align": "L"},
    {"name": "capital", "width": 40, "title": "Capital", "data-align": "L"},
    {"name": "area", "width": 45, "title": "Area (sq km)", "title-align": "C", "data-align": "R"},
    {"name": "pop", "width": 50, "title": "Pop. (thousands)", "title-align": "C", "data-align": "R"}
  • name -- column name
  • width -- column width
  • title -- column title
  • title-align -- column title alignment
  • data-align -- data column alignment

Table Style The table style property allow the user to define how the table should looks.

"style": {
    "border-color": "50,55,200",
    "title-row": {
        "text-color": "200,100,50",
        "fill-color": "100,50,50",
    "data-row": {
        "height": 8,
        "text-color": "0,0,0",
        "fill-color": "224,235,255",
        "striped": true
  • border-color -- specify the border color of the table.

  • title-row -- define how the title row should be rendered.

    • height -- row height
    • text-color
    • fill-color
    • font
    • font-style
    • font-size
  • data-row -- define how the data row should be rendered.

    • height -- row height
    • text-color
    • fill-color
    • striped
    • font
    • font-style
    • font-size

Utility functions

  • snakeToCamel
  • deepMerge or deep_merge