
this library perform crud operations width build in template or using functions

dev-main 2024-02-23 09:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 11:24:42 UTC


One file Perform Crud operation Easy

in This File All Crud Operation Created Like

select table one paramer is table name


return current table name no param requered


Select All Data From Data Base return object no param


Find and data With id and return object with data.passed id where data find in database


Insert data to database and return object width insert row id.the array keys database colums name and value where insert in database


Update data from database.the array keys are database fields names and the value where updated to.the second param is id where data update


delete data where row id passed in and return object width deleted row in


example :

require_once "connection.php"; 
$con=new connection(host_name,user_name,password,database_name); 

Error handler is Created in this File if error accur then eroor handler Call Automatically

Example :

require_once "connection.php";
$con=new connection("host","user","password","db_name");

output :

Table 'db_name.test' doesn't exist on line number 3

also html popup error oe success message javaScript function available the function name Is mesaage(message,error/success)

and the popup tag css available in it.

example :

message("Error Found","error");

this message tag Show top right corner in the web page