
A small Framework MVC

dev-master 2015-09-07 22:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 16:15:47 UTC


What is it ?

A Small MVC Framework.

This framework was done during a school session. The subject was to create a website using JavaScript, a Database like MySQL, CSS (with @media), and some Ajax request using jquery... To did it, I needed one night :).

So we (me & two friend), decided to create your own framework. In fact, it's a small framework inspired from differents anothers frameworks (CakePHP, Laravel, ...). I did the design of this application and wrote a good part of it. Then, me and Quentin adjusted it to be what we needed and wanted.

The purpose was to design and write a MVC Framework instead of write some PHP in some files as I did when I was 14 years old. Moreover, one of my friend was not good in MVC design, so this Framework was quite rewarding for him.

The name of the framework is not important, it came from a joke between us :)



How can i use it ?

Download this skeleton : https://github.com/rapsspider/merci-ki-skeleton

After download, just go on the repository with a command line and write : composer install.

Licence MIT

See the LICENSE file for more informations.


First, thanks for the open source community ! Without it, I can't be curious, I can't learn, I can't be better. Without the open source, I will know nothing.

Thanks for Quentin Douziech & Bastien Gibrat, my mates.

Thanks for Xavier Mouly to accept your request to do more than a small website which meet his expectations.