
A new advance image mapping system that allows to pin an image with animated help tips by user interaction

dev-master 2019-02-22 00:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-22 13:56:06 UTC



PinnedImage purpose is to create a more friendly and responisive image mapping simulating a pinned map mechanism but with any image. My main goal is to add functionalities and capabilities, but for now, will do basic functionalities.

I'm still debating if should implement JavaScript for interaction and animation, for the moment, all animations will be handle using Cascade Stylesheet methods and rules, and interactions through JavaScript.

If JavaScript is disable a legend will be added under the .pinned-container DOM division. My suggestion would be for you to set the container inside a container you can control and won't break your template's look specially when on mobile, legend will be posted between a noscript tag unless it is forced to show up always.

<div id="myPinnedImage" class="pinned-container">...</div>
    <div id="PinOne-legend" class="pinned-flex">
        <div class="pinned-flex-row">
            <div class="pinned-flex-item-key">...</div>
            <div class="pinned-flex-item-value">...</div>

Note For Developers

To manipulate or customize the styling, you require to have Ruby and Sass installed and initialized on your developing system. Also this plug-in requires raphievila/xtags and raphievila/utils which are going to be installed when your run:

$ cd /your-project-location/
$ /your-project-location/composer require raphievila/pinned-image

Also, if you use the PinnedImage object this render the HTML with Bootstrap classes if you would like to implement it or already implemented on your project. If so you are required by Bootstrap to use jQuery and Popper.

I tried keep the use of JavaScript to minimum to provide you with a light nicely formatted experience that is mobile and desktop friendly. But this should not stop you of letting your creativity run wild. The code is not intrusive which is made in purpose to be used as a bootstrap that you can manipulate at your own taste.

Basic Functionality

Find coords.json and modify to liking, the default file would look like this:

        "id": "PointOne",
        "label": 1,
        "title": "Pinned One",
        "tip": "First pinned point on map",
        "uri": "#",
        "class": "extra classes",
        "x": 20,
        "y": 20
        "id": "PointTwo",
        "label": 2,
        "title": "Pinned Two",
        "tip": "Second pinned point on map",
        "uri": "#",
        "class": "extra classes",
        "x": 40,
        "y": 40

Not all paremeters are required except: id, tip, x and y. The value type is explained as follow:

        "id": "String or Number - should comply with DOM id standards",
        "label": "[optinal] String or Number - The label will be shown when the pin is on default state",
        "title": "[optional] String - The title of the tip",
        "tip": "[required] String - Full tip description or instruction",
        "uri": "[optional] STRING URL - If tip link to anywhere, add the URL address here",
        "class": "[optional] STRING - To include special styling to overwrite code default",
        "x": "[required] NUMBER - From Left - percentage value base of container origin do not include [%]",
        "y": "[required] NUMBER - From Top - percentage value base of container origin do not include [%]"

The JSON should be an array list with each pin item as objects (key => value) structure.


To use PinnedImage with your website you need to include the following into the head tag of your HTML project:

<link href="location/to/you/css/dir/pinned-image.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

The any where inside the body tag, it is recommended at the very end right before the closing '</body>` tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="location/of/your/script/library/pinned-image.js"></script>

If this has been implemented properly your code should look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Pinned Image Home Page</title>
    <link href="location/to/you/css/dir/pinned-image.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <!-- your template goes here -->

    <script type="text/javascript" src="location/of/your/script/library/pinned-image.js"></script>

Also, you need to set two globals required by the pinned-image.js that are set to prepare for a coming Auto Load feature not yet implemented. Set these right before embedding the pinned-image.js as follow:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'use strict';
    var AUTOLOAD = false,
        MYCOORDS = false;
<script type="text/javascript" src="location/of/your/script/library/pinned-image.js"></script>

Note: To avoid getting console errors and not wanting to set these globals all the time, you can add them as editable globals in the pinned-image.js file.

Using PinnedImage Class (PHP)

The PinnedImage class can be loaded through Composer as:

require 'your/composer/loader/location/vendor/autoload.php';
use raphievila\ImageTools\PinnedImage;
$pi = new PinnedImage();

If you have your own loader solution you can use it as:

//Location depends where the PinnedImage src diretory is located
require 'pinned-image/src/assets/controllers/PinnedImage.php';
use raphievila\ImageTools\PinnedImage;
$pi = new PinnedImage();

Just remember that this object require 2 additional objects raphievila\xtags and raphievila\utils, which will be installed when you run the command:

$ > composer require raphievila/pinned-image

Required Parameters

The object above will display an error if its rendered. You have to pass the image required parameter imageURL at least to be able to render using the default JSON file. You can set parameters as follow:

$params = array(
    'imageURL' => '/your/image/url.jpg'

$pi = new PinnedImage($params);

For a full list of parameters visit raphievila/pinned-image/wiki/Parameters.

As usual, when you use a reusable code is because you probably need to use it multiple times at a time, for this you need to use the reload method.

Renderign as HTML

Once are parameters are set, they you an echo the final HTML using the PinnedImage::render method:

echo $pi->render();

Depending the parameters sent the code can be rendered in two different formats: Standard or Full Template

Standard Template (.pinned-container)

When rendered this tiny piece of code will be replaced with the following structure:

<!-- standard format -->
<div id="PinnedID" class="pinned-container">
    <img src="imageURL" alt="imageALT" class="pinned-image" />

    <!-- pin structure -->
    <div id="json->id" class="pinned-point" data-x="json->x%" data-y="json->y%">
        <a alt="json->label" class="pinned-point-label">
        <div class="pinned-point-tip">
            <div class="pinned-point-sticker">
                <h3 class="pinned-point-title">json->title</div>
                <p class="pinned-point-banner">json->tip</div>

Full Template (.pinned-container-full)

If you set parameter containerClass with value pinned-container-full, when the render method is requested will be replaced with:

<!-- standard format -->
<div id="PinnedID" class="pinned-container">
    <img src="imageURL" alt="imageALT" class="pinned-image" />

    <!-- pin structure -->
    <a alt="json->label" class="pinned-point-label" rel="json->id">
    <div id="json->id" class="pinned-point-tip">
        <div class="pinned-point-sticker">
            <h3 class="pinned-point-title">json->title</div>
            <p class="pinned-point-banner">json->tip</div>

NOTE: If you pay attention, and this is important when you are applying a custom styling, on the full template version each pin is not contained inside the container .pinned-point, this container is removed and the pin (.pinned-point-label) along with the tip label container (.pinned-point-tip) are set as childs of the main pinned image container .pinned-container.

For this scenario I will replace the previous parameter with the following:

$params = array(
    'imageURL' => '/your/image/url.jpg',
    'containerClass' => 'pinned-container-full'

$pi = new PinnedImage($params);

echo $pi->render();

For now the containerClass parameter can only be pinned-container (default) or pinned-container-full. Only set this up for full template only. For more information see Templating.


Things I need to do and will be added shortly:

  1. Ajax requested PinnedImage render.
  2. Automatic localization adjustment for tip blocks depending on corner proximity.
  3. Color Coded Themes.
  4. Pin Icons.
  5. The ability to create custom pins.
  6. Map-like draggable content.
  7. Zoom-In / Zoom-Out. (Probably)