Boilerplate billing integration for Laravel & Stripe

v0.2.1 2020-03-08 15:43 UTC



Require the library using composer:

composer require randomstate/mint

Database Migrations

Mint provides migrations for the models it uses out of the box. These are automatically registered with laravel. You will need to run php artisan migrate to initialize these tables.

The library assumes your application uses a users table that should contain the Stripe customer ID. If you need to customize this, please publish the migrations first.

php artisan vendor:publish


Billable Model

Add the Mint Billable trait to your User model. This will give it access to the fluent interface Mint provides on each customer. If you are charging organisations or teams, publish & customize the customer migration to point to the appropriate table, and add the Billable trait to your org/team model.

use RandomState\Mint\Mint\Billable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Billable;

API Keys

Add your Stripe API Keys to your .env file: