
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.11) of this package.

Add this package to any Drupal distribution based on drupal/core-composer-scaffold to enable it for use at Ramsalt.


Add this project to any Drupal site based on drupal/core-composer-scaffold to enable it for use at Ramsalt.

This project enables the following features:

  • Adds settings.php for the use in wodby
  • Adds settings files for each environment
  • Provides wodby.yml post deployment scripts
  • Enables drupal-patches with an separate composer.patches.json file
  • Provides the default circleci deployment configuration used at Ramsalt
  • Provides a default Renovatebot configuration.

Enabling this project

This package must be enabled in the top-level composer.json file, or it will be ignored and will not perform any o its functions.

  1. Add the package in the 'drupal-scaffold' allow-list:

    composer config extra.drupal-scaffold.allowed-packages --json '["ramsalt/drupal-scaffold"]'

    Note: If you already have other packages listed in drupal-scaffold.allowed-packages configuration this command is not for you. In this case you need to manually add "ramsalt/drupal-scaffold" to the array.

  2. Require this package as you normally would:

    composer require ramsalt/drupal-scaffold

The resulting composer.json should contain the following:

    "require": {
        "ramsalt/drupal-scaffold": "^1@beta"
    "extra": {
        "drupal-scaffold": {
            "allowed-packages": [