
Strongly typed hydrator for PHP 8.3+.

1.0.0 2024-04-12 21:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 21:48:02 UTC


The Rammewerk Hydrator is a strongly typed hydrator for PHP 8.3+.


Install Rammewerk Router via composer:

composer require rammewerk/hydrator

How to use

Let's consider a simple entity/dto:

final class Product {
    public string $name = '';
    public string $sku = '';
    public float $price = 0;
    public StatusEnum $status = StatusEnum::draft;
    public ?\DateTime $created_at = null;

We can populate this from an array:

$data = [
    'name' => 'Some product',
    'sku' => '1020',
    'status' => 'active',

$hydrator = new \Rammewerk\Component\Hydrator(Product::class);
$product = $hydrator->hydrate($data);

In return, we got a typed entity.

This might be useful to automatically convert data from database to an entity, or from an API etc.

The benefit is many including:

  • Use entities and classes to get type safety.
  • Use hydrator to automatically map classes.
  • Get type-hints from your IDE.
  • Better code quality.

Read only properties

To add readonly properties, they must be initiated through the constructor.

class Entity {

    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $id
    ) {


Allowed property types

// Required
public string $prop_required;
// Optional
public string $prop_optional = '';
// Nullable - Hydrator will add null if not defined.
public ?string $property;
// Boolean - accepts also 1, 0, "on", "off", "1", "true"..
public bool $prop = false;
// Integer
public int $prop = 0;
// Float/Number
public float $prop;
// String
public string $prop;
// Array
public array $prop;
// DateTime
public ?\DateTime $prop = null;
// Enums
public Status $status = Statis::draft;
// Classes
public ?AnotherClass $class = null;

Error handling

try {
} catch (\Rammewerk\Component\Hydrator\Error\HydratorException $e) {
    // It's an error