
A media library for Laravel with a big imagick flex

dev-master 2022-09-21 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 23:20:36 UTC



ralphschindler/laravel-magick takes a unique approach to handling media files. Instead of treating media files as model relations, they are treated as attributes of a model. To this end, media metadata information is stored in a tables column (a model's attribute) at a given name. Additionally, this library handles image and media modifications (resizing, triming, backgrounds) when serving the image instead of at upload time. Files are stored in any of the configured kinds of file storage that Laravel supports.


  • media files are tracked in same table's column
  • setup is handled by adding a trait and a method per image type
  • modifications can be made by manipuliating the image's url
  • placeholder generation is supported
  • fallback to a placeholdler (mainly for dev purposes) is supported when the image is not on the disk

Other Good Libraries

If this solution to the image problem does not appeal to you, Spatie's MediaLibrary is an excellent library that both treats images as Models as a Relation, and also has a concept of "conversions" that can be applied at upload time.


First, install the package:

$ composer require ralphschindler/laravel-magick

In Laravel 5.5+. this library will self-register. Next, you should publish the vendor (config) files:

$ artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelMagick\MagickProvider"

It is now ready to use.


Attaching An Image To A Model

In the simplest use case for a single image attached to a model, first create a json column in a migration to handle this image:

// in a table migration

Next, in the model, add in the HasMagick trait and configure a class property called $magick like so:

use LaravelMagick\Eloquent\HasMagick;

class Post extends Model
    use HasMagick;

    protected $magick = [
        'path' => 'posts/{id}.{extension}',

Attaching an Image Collection To A Model

A Magick Collection is a ordered list of Media objects. The collection itself when hydrated has images that are indexable starting at 0. Each collection has a concept of an auto increment number which is stored in the collection (and the collection's serialization) so that Media objects can take advantage of this in the path template.

In the simplest use case, using a json column like in the direct image scenario above, add in the HasMagick trait as before, and use the collection key set to true, like below:

use LaravelMagick\Eloquent\HasMagick;

class Post extends Model
    use HasMagick;

    protected $magick = [
        'images' => [
            'path' => 'post/{id}/image-{index}.{extension}',
            'collection' => true

Displaying Media In A View

The following blade syntax assumes $post is a Model of type Post with an image attribute. This will generate a url similar to /magick/post/11/image.png:

    <img src="{{ $bam->image->url() }}" width="20" />

Using modifiers when generating the url, a url generated such as /magick/post/11/image.@size200x200@trim.png

    <img src="{{ $bam->image->url('size200x200|trim) }}" width="20" />

Image Modifiers


Detailed Configuration

The following table describes the available configuration options:


Default: env('MAGICK_FILESYSTEM', 'public')

This is the filesystem images will be stored on at the image's path.


Default: true

Whether or not to enable the render route and modification functionality.


Default: /magick

The path prefix the route will live at and serve images from.



Highly useful for dev purposes, consider enabling in local.


default value _placeholder_

This identifies when a placeholder image is being requested.



If an image is requested that is not on the filesystem, enabling this will serve a placeholder instead (useful for dev).


default value env('MAGICK_RENDER_CACHING_ENABLE', true)

Whether or not the controller should use full request caching


default value env('MAGICK_RENDER_CACHING_DRIVER', 'disk')

Cache to the disk.


default value 60

How long the ttl for the cache is.


default value 31536000

How long the browser should cache the image generated by this route for.



This will allow for the dynamic (controller) route or static route (link to storage, for example) to be selectively used based on if modifiers are present in the image request


Once cloned, cd demo directory. Inside there do the following:

composer install
artisan migrate
artisan db:seed
artisan serve

If you wish to demo the Nova specific capabilities, you must first install the downloadable version of nova to demo/nova. Once it is there, continue with the above script from the top, then visit the examples at /nova in your browser.


  • support moving images as a result of updated path parts (attribute update, etc)