
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Run complex SQL queries from API requests such as update different conditional records in a single query

dev-master 2021-05-21 05:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-08-25 04:49:40 UTC


✔ Contribute to improve the package! Thanks in advance.

Laravel Query Extra

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Run complex SQL queries from API requests such as update different conditional records in a single query.


Install the package through Composer. On the command line:

composer require rakibdevs/laravel-query-extra


If Laravel > 7, no need to add provider

Add the following to your providers array in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ...


Suppose we need to update categories table when cat_id 3 then cat_name will be 'Category 3' and cat_id 4 then cat_name will be 'Category 4' and so on...

To update multiple records in a single query,

$arrr = array(
		'data' => array(
		    'cat_name' => 'Category 3', // column name
	            'status' => 1 		// column name
		'keyval' => 3 	// column value for whereKey() condition
		'data' => array(
		    'cat_name' => 'Category 2', // column name
	            'status' => 1 		// column name
		'keyval' => 2 	// column value for whereKey() condition
use RakibDevs\QueryExtra\QueryExtra;

(new QueryExtra)
    ->table('categories') // add table name
    ->whereKey('cat_id')  // key which apply the condition
    ->bulkup($arrr);      // updated array

Note: 'data' of all items must have same columns.


Laravel Open Weather API is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).