
Rails migration for php projects

dev-master 2014-01-10 20:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:30:56 UTC


Today I was wanted to use rails goodness inside of my php project. So, I searched online found a solution somewhere. Fixed it up for any project to use using composer.

I assume you are using tools listed below and know how to use command line.

  • Ruby the programming Language
  • Rake the build tool written in Ruby
  • Activerecord gem, defaults with Rails !!!!

To enable it, add this dependency to your composer.json file:

"rajibahmed/rake-db-migrator": "dev"

Step 1: To enable it in your application you need to create few directories from you terminal :)

$ mkdir -p db/migrate
$ mkdir config

Note 1: You do not need to create the structure if you already have it. Note 2: I have provided a demo database.yml configuration file copy over to config folder. Important: If you don't have valid database.yml this generator will not work.

Step 2: symlink my rake file to root of you project.

$ ln -s vendor/rajibahmed/rake-db-migrator/Rakefile .

Step 3: You are done !!


So now you can use this rake file to create and migrate you configured database. Available Rake tasks are,

 rake db:create    # Create the database from config/database.yml for the current DATABASE_ENV
 rake db:drop      # Drops the database for the current DATABASE_ENV
 rake db:generate  # Generate migration files
 rake db:migrate   # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false).
 rake db:rollback  # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).
 rake db:version   # Retrieves the current schema version number

Now, Running

rake db:generate

Will create a template file that you can use as a reference point for writing your first migration.

Note[IMPORTANT] : Class name in a migration file must match the file naming convention. ie.

Name migration file

Now you can pass in the migration file name. But follow the convention underscore word.

rake db:generate[create_users]

This will generate code like this.

     # db/migrate/....._create_user.rb
     CreateUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
     # file name should be timestramp_create_user.rb

You are good to go !!! This is a few hours effort. If you want to extend it please fork it or send me emails.

LICENSE: Do whatever you want with it. I don't want money from you and can't be held responsible any fu*k ups. Good luck !!! Simple isn't it.