
Laravel PHP Facade/Wrapper for the Youtube Data API v3

v1.7 2019-11-20 07:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 18:23:44 UTC


Travis Youtube Build

Laravel PHP Facade/Wrapper for the Youtube Data API v3 ( Non-OAuth )


Looking for Youtube Package for either of these: PHP 5, Laravel 5.0, Laravel 4? Visit the php5-branch


Run in console below command to download package to your project:

composer require rajagonda/gondayoutube


In /config/app.php add GondaYoutubeServiceProvider:


Do not forget to add also Youtube facade there:

'GondaYoutube' => Rajagonda\GondaYoutube\Facades\GondaYoutube::class,

Publish config settings:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rajagonda\GondaYoutube\GondaYoutubeServiceProvider"

Set your Youtube API key in the file:


Or in the .env file


Or you can set the key programmatically at run time :



// use Rajagonda\GondaYoutube\Facades\GondaYoutube;

// Return an STD PHP object
$video = GondaYoutube::getVideoInfo('rie-hPVJ7Sw');

// Get multiple videos info from an array
$videoList = GondaYoutube::getVideoInfo(['rie-hPVJ7Sw','iKHTawgyKWQ']);

// Get multiple videos related to a video
$relatedVideos = GondaYoutube::getRelatedVideos('iKHTawgyKWQ');

// Get comment threads by videoId
$commentThreads = GondaYoutube::getCommentThreadsByVideoId('zwiUB_Lh3iA');

// Get popular videos in a country, return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = GondaYoutube::getPopularVideos('us');

// Search playlists, channels and videos. return an array of PHP objects
$results = GondaYoutube::search('Android');

// Only search videos, return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = GondaYoutube::searchVideos('Android');

// Search only videos in a given channel, return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = GondaYoutube::searchChannelVideos('keyword', 'UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg', 40);

// List videos in a given channel, return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = GondaYoutube::listChannelVideos('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg', 40);

$results = GondaYoutube::searchAdvanced([ /* params */ ]);

// Get channel data by channel name, return an STD PHP object
$channel = GondaYoutube::getChannelByName('xdadevelopers');

// Get channel data by channel ID, return an STD PHP object
$channel = GondaYoutube::getChannelById('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Get playlist by ID, return an STD PHP object
$playlist = GondaYoutube::getPlaylistById('PL590L5WQmH8fJ54F369BLDSqIwcs-TCfs');

// Get playlists by multiple ID's, return an array of STD PHP objects
$playlists = GondaYoutube::getPlaylistById(['PL590L5WQmH8fJ54F369BLDSqIwcs-TCfs', 'PL590L5WQmH8cUsRyHkk1cPGxW0j5kmhm0']);

// Get playlist by channel ID, return an array of PHP objects
$playlists = GondaYoutube::getPlaylistsByChannelId('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Get items in a playlist by playlist ID, return an array of PHP objects
$playlistItems = GondaYoutube::getPlaylistItemsByPlaylistId('PL590L5WQmH8fJ54F369BLDSqIwcs-TCfs');

// Get channel activities by channel ID, return an array of PHP objects
$activities = GondaYoutube::getActivitiesByChannelId('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Retrieve video ID from original YouTube URL
$videoId = GondaYoutube::parseVidFromURL('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk');
// result: moSFlvxnbgk

Basic Search Pagination

// Set default parameters
$params = [
    'q'             => 'Android',
    'type'          => 'video',
    'part'          => 'id, snippet',
    'maxResults'    => 50

// Make intial call. with second argument to reveal page info such as page tokens
$search = GondaYoutube::searchAdvanced($params, true);

// Check if we have a pageToken
if (isset($search['info']['nextPageToken'])) {
    $params['pageToken'] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// Make another call and repeat
$search = GondaYoutube::searchAdvanced($params, true);

// Add results key with info parameter set

/* Alternative approach with new built-in paginateResults function */

// Same params as before
$params = [
    'q'             => 'Android',
    'type'          => 'video',
    'part'          => 'id, snippet',
    'maxResults'    => 50

// An array to store page tokens so we can go back and forth
$pageTokens = [];

// Make inital search
$search = GondaYoutube::paginateResults($params, null);

// Store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// Go to next page in result
$search = GondaYoutube::paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[0]);

// Store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// Go to next page in result
$search = GondaYoutube::paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[1]);

// Store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// Go back a page
$search = GondaYoutube::paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[0]);

// Add results key with info parameter set

The pagination above is quite basic. Depending on what you are trying to achieve you may want to create a recursive function that traverses the results.

Run Unit Test

If you have PHPUnit installed in your environment, run:

$ phpunit

If you don't have PHPUnit installed, you can run the following:

$ composer update
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Format of returned data

The returned JSON is decoded as PHP objects (not Array). Please read the "Reference" section of the Official API doc.

Youtube Data API v3


Built on code from Madcoda's php-youtube-api.