
v1.0.0 2023-04-11 14:39 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-13 17:52:19 UTC


php Rahisi Framework

-php framework eamed to siplify the process of creating customer projects (Systems)

Get Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



composer create-project rahisi/rahisi project-name

Running the tests

-Once you've completed these steps, you'll be good to go.


-a "route" refers to the mapping of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to a specific function or handler that will be responsible for generating a response to that URL.

For example, let's say you're building a web application that has a homepage, a blog, and a contact page. You might define three different routes:

"/" (the root URL) maps to a function that generates the homepage.
"/blog" maps to a function that generates the blog page.
"/contact" maps to a function that generates the contact page.

When a user navigates to your website and enters a URL, your web application will look at the URL and determine which function to call based on the defined routes. The function then generates a response (HTML, JSON, etc.) that is sent back to the user's browser.



-Route with Anonymous functions


  use Rahisi\Routes\Route;

  Route::Get("", function ()
    echo "welcome" ;

-Route whith class(controller)


use App\Controllers\testController;
use Rahisi\Routes\Route;

Route::Get("", [testController::class,"index"]);


-A "view" refers to the part of an application that is responsible for displaying information to the user. in php Rahishi views/Html files are located at resources\views\

calling view

-the process is done when you need to display your html page

there we use view() function which find your view from resources\views

View('fileLocation',array data to the view)

  use Rahisi\Routes\Route;

  Route::Get("", function ()
    $userData = ["name"=>"john Doe","Age"=>30];
    view("index",["userData"=>$userData]); //view function will add .php it self

accessing Data sent from view

// index.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <h3>User Data</h3>
  <p>Name <?php echo $userData['name'] ?></p>
  <p>Age <?php echo $userData['Age'] ?></p>