
A Laravel Pulse card for slow MongoDB queries

1.0.0 2024-03-29 14:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 15:00:06 UTC


Slow queries card for Laravel Pulse just for MongoDB. This package does not assume you use any specific library, the only requirement is that you should add a subscriber to the MongoDB client class used by your application to connect to mongo and run commands.


Install using Composer:

composer require rahimi-ali/pulse-slow-mongo-queries


Add the MongoCommandSubscriber to your mongoDB client:

$client = new Client('connection string', []);

$client->getManager()->addSubscriber(new \RahimiAli\Pulse\SlowMongoQueries\Util\MongoSubscriber());

Add the recorder to the config/pulse.php configuration file:

'recorders' => [
    // ...
    \RahimiAli\Pulse\SlowMongoQueries\Recorder\SlowMongoQueriesRecorder::class => [
        'threshold' => 100_000, // in microseconds
        'sample_rate' => 1, // between 0 and 1

Add the card to your pulse dashboard:

    <livewire:pulse.servers cols="full" />

    <livewire:pulse.usage cols="4" rows="3" />

    <livewire:pulse.queues cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.cache cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-queries cols="8" />

    <livewire:slow-mongo-queries cols="8" /> {{-- this is rendered under the slow queries card --}}

    <livewire:pulse.exceptions cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-requests cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-jobs cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-outgoing-requests cols="6" />