
CMS Package for Laravel 4 powered with Angularjs

Installs: 746

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 216

Watchers: 41

Forks: 38

Open Issues: 5


dev-master 2013-07-02 09:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-22 11:48:05 UTC




RavelCMS Ver 1 is getting ready to be released.

  • I am planning to change the whole design of the admin panel soon.
  • Here is a preview of the new design. Screenshot

CMS Package for Laravel 4


How to Install

	"require": {
		"raftalks/ravel": "*"
  • Configure your database settings in the L4 app/config/database.php file
  • Open your terminal in the L4 App root directory and run php composer.phar update command
  • Add Ravel Service Provider to the app/config/app.php file under the array key "providers" as shown below
'providers' => array(

  • And run the following command in the terminal to start installing the CMS package
 php artisan ravel:install
  • The above command will publish all the assets and run the migration and seeds
  • Before using Ravel CMS, you may want to do some configuration changes like setup a username and password, look inside vendor/raftalks/ravel/src/config/app.php file, by default the username is "admin" and password is "ravel".

How to update the package

  • Use the following composer update command to download the updates
php composer.phar update
  • and after downloading the updates, run the following artisan command to make sure migrations and package assets gets updated
php artisan ravel:update

Setting up custom fields to Post and Page

  • Check the config file under the package path app/config/packages/raftalks/ravel/content.php
'custom_fields' => array(

			//'post'		=> array(
							// 		"{metakey}" => array('label'=>'{name}','type'=>'{text}', 'attr'=>array(), 'options'=>array())
							// )

			'post'			=> array(
								'somefield' => array('label'=>'custom field','type'=>'input_checkbox'),
								'custom_field3' => array('label'=>'custom field','type'=>'ng_datepicker'),
								'custom_field2' => array('label'=>'custom field2','type'=>'select','options'=>array(1=>'test',2=>'two',3=>'three',4=>'four'))

			'page'			=> array(),

			'attachement'	=> array(),


Admin Panel

  • By default the CMS admin panel is available on http://www.domain.com/admin and you can change the base url to admin panel by changing the app config file of the package.

Documentation will be updated soon