
This Package allows you to have a Linked List inside Your PHP Project

dev-main 2023-07-03 00:49 UTC


A PHP Package Implementing Linked List, for the cases when it is actually costly to insert an element at the beginning of an array.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rafayrty/linkedlist-php


$list = new Rafayrty\LinkedListPhp\SinglyList();
//Insert a New Node to the LinkedList
$list->push(5); // -> returns the linkedlist

//Remove the Last Node from the LinkedList
$list->pop(); // -> returns value of deleted element

//Remove the Initial Node from the LinkedList
$list->shift(); // -> returns value of deleted node

//Add a Node To Beginning of the LinkedList
$list->unshift(5); // -> returns the linkedlist

//Get a Node from a specific index 
$list->get(0); // -> returns the value of the node

//Remove a Node from a specific index 
$list->remove(0); // -> returns the value of the deleted node

//Convert Your LinkedList to an array
$list->toArray(); // -> returns an array of linkedlist

//Delete an Element from a specified index to deleteCount similar to JS array splice
$list->splice($starting,$deletecount); // -> returns the linkedlist


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.