
Telegram bot framework written in PHP.

Installs: 675

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 67

Watchers: 10

Forks: 66

Open Issues: 6


v1.3 2016-11-29 03:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 20:25:19 UTC


Telegram bot framework written in PHP


  • Simple, easy to use.
  • Support Long Polling and Webhook.


  • cURL
  • PHP 5.4+
  • Telegram Bot API Token - Talk to @BotFather and generate one.


Using Composer

To install PHPTelebot with Composer, just add the following to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "radyakaze/phptelebot": "*"

or by running the following command:

composer require radyakaze/phptelebot

Composer installs autoloader at ./vendor/autoloader.php. to include the library in your script, add:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Install from source

Download the PHP library from Github, then include PHPTelebot.php in your script:

require_once '/path/to/phptelebot/src/PHPTelebot.php';


Creating a simple bot


require_once './src/PHPTelebot.php';
$bot = new PHPTelebot('TOKEN', 'BOT_USERNAME'); // Bot username is optional, its required for handle command that contain username (/command@username) like on a group.

// Simple command
$bot->cmd('*', 'Hi, human! I am a bot.');

// Simple echo command
$bot->cmd('/echo|/say', function ($text) {
    if ($text == '') {
        $text = 'Command usage: /echo [text] or /say [text]';
    return Bot::sendMessage($text);

// Simple whoami command
$bot->cmd('/whoami|!whoami', function () {
    // Get message properties
    $message = Bot::message();
    $name = $message['from']['first_name'];
    $userId = $message['from']['id'];
    $text = 'You are <b>'.$name.'</b> and your ID is <code>'.$userId.'</code>';
    $options = [
        'parse_mode' => 'html',
        'reply' => true

    return Bot::sendMessage($text, $options);


Then run

php file.php

You can also see my other sample.


  • If function parameters is more than one, PHPTelebot will split text by space.
  • If you don't set chat_id on options bot will send message to current chat.
  • If you add option reply => true, bot will reply current message (Only work if you don't set custom chat_id and reply_to_mesage_id).


Use $bot->cmd(<command>, <function>) to handle command.

// simple answer
$bot->cmd('*', 'I am a bot');

// catch multiple commands
$bot->cmd('/start|/help', function () {
   // Do something here.

// call a function name
function googleSearch($search) {
   // Do something here.
$bot->cmd('/google', 'googleSearch');

Use * to catch any command.

File upload

This code will send a photo to users when type command /upload.

// Simple photo upload
$bot->cmd('/upload', function () {
    $file = '/path/to/photo.png'; // File path, file id, or url.
    return Bot::sendPhoto($file);


Use $bot->on(<event>, <function>) to handle all possible PHPTelebot events.

To handle inline message, just add:

$bot->on('inline', function($text) {
    $results[] = [
        'type' => 'article',
        'id' => 'unique_id1',
        'title' => $text,
        'message_text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    $options = [
        'cache_time' => 3600,

    return Bot::answerInlineQuery($results, $options);

Also, you can catch multiple events:

$bot->on('sticker|photo|document', function() {
  // Do something here.

Supported events:

  • * - any type of message
  • text – text message
  • audio – audio file
  • voice – voice message
  • document – document file (any kind)
  • photo – photo
  • sticker – sticker
  • video – video file
  • contact – contact data
  • location – location data
  • venue – venue data
  • edited – edited message
  • pinned_message – message was pinned
  • new_chat_member – new member was added
  • left_chat_member – member was removed
  • new_chat_title – new chat title
  • new_chat_photo – new chat photo
  • delete_chat_photo – chat photo was deleted
  • group_chat_created – group has been created
  • channel_chat_created – channel has been created
  • supergroup_chat_created – supergroup has been created
  • migrate_to_chat_id – group has been migrated to a supergroup
  • migrate_from_chat_id – supergroup has been migrated from a group
  • inline - inline message
  • callback - callback message
  • game - game
  • channel - channel
  • edited_channel - edited channel post

Command with custom regex (advanced)

Create a command: /regex string number

$bot->regex('/^\/regex (.*) ([0-9])$/i', function($matches) {
    // Do something here.


PHPTelebot Methods

cmd(<command>, <answer>)

Handle a command.

on(<event>, <answer>)

Handles events.

regex(<regex>, <answer>)

Create custom regex for command.


Return message event type.


Get message properties.

Telegram Methods

PHPTelebot use standard Telegram Bot API method names.

Bot::getMe() ?

A simple method for testing your bot's auth token.

Bot::sendMessage(<text>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send text messages.

Bot::forwardMessage(<options>) ?

Use this method to forward messages of any kind.

Bot::sendPhoto(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a photo.

Bot::sendVideo(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a video.

Bot::sendAudio(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a audio.

Bot::sendVoice(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a voice message.

Bot::sendDocument(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a document.

Bot::sendSticker(<file path | file id | url>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a sticker.

Bot::sendLocation(<options>) ?

Use this method to send point on the map.

Bot::sendVenue(<options>) ?

Use this method to send information about a venue.

Bot::sendContact(<options>) ?

Use this method to send phone contacts.

Bot::sendChatAction(<action>, <options>) ?

Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side.

Bot::getUserProfilePhotos(<user id>, <options>) ?

Use this method to get a list of profile pictures for a user.

Bot::getFile(<file id>) ?

Use this method to get basic info about a file and prepare it for downloading. For the moment, bots can download files of up to 20MB in size.

Bot::answerInlineQuery(<array of results>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send answers to an inline query.

Bot::answerCallbackQuery(<text>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send answers to callback queries sent from inline keyboards.

Bot::getChat(<chat_id>) ?

Use this method to get up to date information about the chat.

Bot::leaveChat(<chat_id>) ?

Use this method for your bot to leave a group, supergroup or channel.

Bot::getChatAdministrators(<chat_id>) ?

Use this method to get a list of administrators in a chat.

Bot::getChatMembersCount(<chat_id>) ?

Use this method to get the number of members in a chat.

Bot::getChatMember(<options>) ?

Use this method to get information about a member of a chat.

Bot::kickChatMember(<options>) ?

Use this method to kick a user from a group or a supergroup.

Bot::unbanChatMember(<options>) ?

Use this method to unban a previously kicked user in a supergroup.

Bot::editMessageText(<options>) ?

Use this method to edit text messages sent by the bot or via the bot (for inline bots).

Bot::editMessageCaption(<options>) ?

Use this method to edit captions of messages sent by the bot or via the bot (for inline bots).

Bot::editMessageReplyMarkup(<options>) ?

Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages sent by the bot or via the bot (for inline bots).

Bot::sendGame(<game short name>, <options>) ?

Use this method to send a game.

Bot::setGameScore(<options>) ?

Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game.

Bot::getGameHighScores(<user id>, <options>) ?

Use this method to get data for high score tables.

Webhook installation

Open via browser https://api.telegram.org/bot<BOT TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=https://yourdomain.com/your_bot.php