
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the pdfcrowd/pdfcrowd package instead.

dev-master 2020-02-28 13:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-28 13:53:14 UTC


This package is no longer maintained, use this https://github.com/pdfcrowd/pdfcrowd-php instead.

The Pdfcrowd API lets you easily create PDF from web pages or raw HTML code in your PHP applications.

To use the API, you need an account on http://pdfcrowd.com, if you don't have one you can sign up here. This will give you a username and an API key.


Copy pdfcrowd.php to your source directory.


Server side PDF generation. This code converts a web page and sends the generated PDF to the browser (don't forget to use your "username" and "apikey"):

require 'pdfcrowd.php';

    // create an API client instance
    $client = new Pdfcrowd("username", "apikey");

    // convert a web page and store the generated PDF into a $pdf variable
    $pdf = $client->convertURI('http://example.com/');

    // set HTTP response headers
    header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
    header("Accept-Ranges: none");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"created.pdf\"");

    // send the generated PDF 
    echo $pdf;
catch(PdfcrowdException $e)
    echo "Pdfcrowd Error: " . $e->getMessage();

Other basic operations:

// convert an HTML string
$html = "<html><body>In-memory HTML.</body></html>";
$pdf = $client->convertHtml($html);

// convert an HTML file
$pdf = $client->convertFile('/path/to/local/file.html');