radiatecode / dastats
Statistics for dashboard or reports
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-json: *
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^6.18
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
This package is a lightweight solution to record and view the statistics for the dashboard or reports. Sometimes we need KPI / Metrics / Statistics in our Dashboard Or Reports, to create those statistics we need to go through lots of calculation, queries etc. But this package may helps you to make statistics in nicer way, the statistics stored in a single db table, so it would be faster or easier to retrieve.
Lots of dashboard or reports have statistic widget like total customer, total user, total pending orders, total sales etc. For these statistic widgets we applied query across tables, rows along with mathematical equation to get the single unified numeric value. For small database the approach is ok but for large database the calculation may hamper the performance or create complexity. So what if we could calculate the statistics during the CRUD operation.
Examples 1:
Total User Counting:
Increase a user whenever a new user is store, Decrease a user whenever user delete.
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Facades\Stats; ....... public function storeUser(Request $request){ // stores statements ............ Stats::title('User count')->key('total-user')->increase(); } public function deleteUser($id){ // delete statements ............ Stats::key('total-user')->decrease(); }
Examples 2:
Total Pending Orders:
Increase or count total pending order whenever a new pending order placed, Decrease total pending order whenever an order successfully delivered.
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Facades\Stats; ....... public function orderStore(Request $request){ // pending order placement statements ............ Stats::title('Pending order count')->key('total-pending-order')->increase(); } public function orderDeliver(Request $request){ // order delivery statements ............ Stats::key('total-pending-order')->decrease(); }
Examples 3:
Product Stocks:
Increase product stock whenever new products purchased,
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Facades\Stats; ....... public function purchaseStore(Request $request){ // other statements ............ foreach($purchaseProducts as $product){ // multiple products // purchase products save statements .............. // increase stock for a product Stats::title('Live stock')->key($product->id)->increase($product->quantity); } }
Update product stock: sometime we need to update purchase product quantity for example quantity add or subtract in the same view, in that case our product stock also need to reflect accordingly.
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Facades\Stats; ....... public function purchaseUpdate(Request $request){ // other statement ............ foreach($purchaseProducts as $product){ // purchase products update statements .............. .............. //live stock $variation = (int) $newQty - $oldQty; Stats::when($variation > 0,function ($stats) use ($product,$variation){ $stats->title('Live stock')->key($product->id)->increase($variation); }); Stats::when($variation < 0,function ($stats) use ($product,$variation){ $stats->title('Live stock')->key($product->id)->decrease(abs($variation)); }); } }
Decrease product stock whenever a purchase product is delete.
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Facades\Stats; ....... public function productDelete($id){ // other statement ............ // find product $purchaseProduct = PurchaseProduct::findOrFail($id); // decrese value for this product Stats::title('Live stock')->key($purchaseProduct->id)->decrease($purchaseProduct->quantity); $purchaseProduct->delete(); // purchase product delete }
Get the statistics
Above examples have shown us that how we can create stats by placing increase(), decrease() inside data CRUD operations.
Now let's get or view our stats.
$stats = Stats::key('total-pending-order')->find(); $stats = Stats::key('total-user')->find(); $stock = Stats::title('Live stock')->get();
$stats = Stats::inKeys('total-pending-order','total-user')->get(); // get stock by product ids $stocks = Stats::inKeys(1,22,55,66)->get();
$stats = Stats::contains('pending')->get();
You can install the package via composer:
composer require radiatecode/dastats
Migrate the stats table
php artisan dastats:table
php artisan migrate
You can publish config file (optional)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RadiateCode\DaStats\StatsServiceProvider" --tag="dastats-config"
Stats increase:
Increase stats for given key and title.
Stats::title('Your Title')->key('your-key')->increase();
Increase by default 1, But you can pass any specific numerical value.
Under the hood increase() check is there any stats exits for the given key & title, if yes it will increment, if not it will create new record
Stats decrease:
Decrease stats value for given key.
Stats::title('Your Title')->key('your-key')->decrease();
Decrease method decrease a stats by 1 (default), But you can decrease by any specific value.
Under the hood decrease() checks stats existence, if found it will decrement otherwise return null. During decrement if the decrement comes at zero it will delete the stats record from the storage.
Stats replace:
In some cases we need to replace our existing stats value in those cases replace() can be used
Stats::title('Your Title')->key('your-key')->replace($value);
Get stats by keys
Find single stats
Stats::title('Title 1')->key('key-1')->find();
Check stats existence
Stats::title('Title 1')->key('key-1')->exists(); // return true/false
// based on existence do stats operation Stats::title('Title')->key('key-1')->exists( function ($stats){ // if exists $stats->replace(300); },function ($stats){ // if not exists $stats->increase(25); } );
Get stats by contains a part of key
Stats::contain('partOfkey')->get(); example: // key name is `total-registered-user` // we can get stats by the key part `registered` Stats::contain('registered')->get();
Remove stats:
$stats = Stats::key('key-1')->remove();
Join stats
Join stats table with other db tables
joinWith used to join a db table with stats table
Stats::joinWith('products', 'id') // joining products table ->title('inventory') ->get(['products.product_name', 'products.product_unit']);
join as many tables as you want like regular laravel db join
Stats::joinWith('products', 'id') // joining products table ->join('categories','categories.id','=','products.category_id') // join categories table with products ->join('units','units.id','=','products.unit_id') // join units table with products ->title('inventory') ->get(['products.product_name', 'products.product_unit','categories.category_name','units.unit_name']);
Note: get() method accept an array as an argument where it executes as db 'select' statement
Isolate stats:
Isolation can be useful for SaaS applications, certain stats can be stored for individual user or organisation or tenant.
Stats::isolate('Tenant',101)->title('Total Order')->key('order-count')->increment(); Stats::isolate('Tenant',101)->key('order-count')->find();
Stats::isolate('User',202)->title('Complete Project')->key('project-completion')->increment(); Stats::isolate('User',202)->key('project-completion')->find();
Conditional operation:
Stats::when($some_condition,function($stats){ return $stats->title('Title 1')->key('key-1')->increase(8000); });
Stats::title('Title 1')->key('key-1') ->when($some_condition, function($stats){ // when condition true return $stats->decrease(2500); },function(){ // when condition false return $stats->increase(500); } );
Stats::when($has_tenant,function($stats) use ($tenantId){ return $stats->isolate('Tenant', $tenantId); })->all();
Multiple increase or decrease or replace
For multiple increase or decrease we can use doMany()
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Enum\StatsAction; ........... // data format $data = [ ['key' => 'key-1','value' = 40], ['key' => 'key-2','value' = 25], ['key' => 'key-3','value' = 35], ] // action (ex: StatsAction::INCREASE, StatsAction::DECREASE, StatsAction::REPLACE) $action = StatsAction::INCREASE Stats::title('Live stock')->doMany($action,$data);
when required isolation
// data format $data = [ ['key' => 'key-1','value' = 40], ['key' => 'key-2','value' = 25], ['key' => 'key-3','value' = 35], ] Stats::isolate('Organisation',$organisaiton->id)->title('Live stock')->doMany(StatsAction::INCREASE,$data);
Note: Data format should be followed as the example.
So In example 3 we see that increase operation used inside purchase products loop, but now we can use doMany() to do multiple increase by passing an array which contain product id and quantity
Stats::title('Live stock')->doMany( StatsAction::INCREASE, [ ['key' => 1,'value' = 500], // key => product id and value => quantity ['key' => 5,'value' = 152], ['key' => 35,'value' = 7569], ['key' => 7,'value' = 900], ['key' => 9,'value' = 25], ] );
Sometimes we need to queue our stats so that it can run in the background without delaying user response, so in that case we can use predefined jobs.
Note: make sure we have configured Laravel Queue and run the queue worker
Single stats job:
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Jobs\SingleStatsJob; use RadiateCode\DaStats\Enum\StatsAction; .......... // dispatch the job to increase a stats dispatch(new SingleStatsJob(StatsAction::INCREASE,'Title','key',$value)); or // dispatch the job to decrease a stats dispatch(new SingleStatsJob(StatsAction::DECREASE,'Title','key',$value)); // dispatch the job to replace a stats dispatch(new SingleStatsJob(StatsAction::REPLACE,'Title','key',$value));
Multiple stats job:
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Jobs\MultiStatsJob; use RadiateCode\DaStats\Enum\StatsAction; .......... $data = [ ['key' => 1,'value' = 500], ['key' => 5,'value' = 152], ]; // dispatch the job to decrease multiple stats value dispatch(new MultiStatsJob(StatsAction::DECREASE,'Title',$data));
// dispatch the job to increase multiple stats value dispatch(new MultiStatsJob(StatsAction::INCREASE,'Title',$data));
when required isolation
use RadiateCode\DaStats\Jobs\MultiStatsJob; use RadiateCode\DaStats\Enum\StatsAction; .......... $data = [ ['key' => 1,'value' = 500], ['key' => 5,'value' = 152], ]; $job = new MultiStatsJob(StatsAction::DECREASE,'Title',$data); $job->withIsolation('Tenant',1001); dispatch($job);
DB Table Structure
Available methods
Stats can be call either by Stats Facade or new Stats() class
Here are available methods
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email radiate126@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.