
ActionWrapper is a simple yet flexible action decorator

v1.0.0 2024-06-01 16:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-01 16:05:36 UTC


ActionWrapper is a simple yet flexible action decorator.


Via Composer:

composer require r3bzya/action-wrapper

Available classes

When you need to wrap some actions, and you don't have to create a new action class use the FluentAction class. You can make a new instance with the wrapper function.

Note: The FluentAction class has extended methods.

$action = new \R3bzya\ActionWrapper\Support\FluentAction;

$action->execute(fn(): bool => true);

Available methods

Base methods

Note: These methods available in Traits\Simples\HasActionWrapper.

class Example
   use \R3bzya\ActionWrapper\Traits\Simples\HasActionWrapper;


after(callable $decorator): ActionWrapper|static

The after method adds a callable function to an ActionWrapper which will be called after executing any of the decoratedMethods methods.

$this->after(fn(mixed $result): mixed => $result);

before(callable $decorator): ActionWrapper|static

The before method adds a callable function to an ActionWrapper which will be called before executing any of the decoratedMethods methods. When the given callable function returns false, the action will be interrupted. To change the input arguments, the given callable should return an array otherwise the before method will work like a tap.

$this->before(fn(mixed $value): array => [$value]);
$this->before(fn(...$arguments): array => $arguments);
$this->before(fn(): bool => false);
$this->before(function (mixed $value): void {

decoratedMethods(): array

The decoratedMethods method defines function names to be decorated. The default function name is execute.


forgetActionWrapper(): ActionWrapper|static

The forgetActionWrapper method unsets the action wrapper from the action.


getActionWrapper(): ActionWrapper|static

The getActionWrapper method returns a cached ActionsWrapper or makes and caches an ActionWrapper then return.


makeActionWrapper(): ActionWrapper|static

The makeActionWrapper method creates a new ActionWrapper instance.


resetActionWrapper(): ActionWrapper|static

The resetActionWrapper method removes all pipes from the action wrapper.


through(callable $decorator): ActionWrapper|static

The through method adds the callable decorator through which the action will be sent.

$this->through(fn(array $arguments, \Closure $next): \Closure => $next($attributes));

Extended methods

Note: The next methods available in Traits\HasActionWrapper.

class Example
   use \R3bzya\ActionWrapper\Traits\HasActionWrapper;


catch(): ActionWrapper|static

The catch method returns an exception to respond without throwing an exception.


refreshModel(): ActionWrapper|static

The refreshModel method reloads the model instance with fresh attributes from the database. see


safe(): ActionWrapper|static

The safe method returns false when an exception thrown.


tap(callable $decorator): ActionWrapper|static

The tap method calls the given Closure with the action result then return the action result.

$this->tap(function (mixed $result): void {

tapWhen(mixed $condition, callable $decorator): ActionWrapper|static

The tapWhen method calls the given Closure then return the action result when the condition is truthy.

$this->tapWhen(true, function (mixed $result): void {

throwIfNotDone(Throwable $throwable = new NotDoneException): ActionWrapper|static

The throwIfNotDone method will throw the given exception when the action result is false.


throwUnless(mixed $condition, Throwable $throwable = new RuntimeException): ActionWrapper|static

The throwUnless method will throw the given exception when the condition evaluates to false.

$this->throwUnless(fn(mixed $result): mixed => false);

throwWhen(mixed $condition, Throwable $throwable = new RuntimeException): ActionWrapper|static

The throwWhen method will throw the given exception when the condition evaluates to true.

$this->throwWhen(fn(mixed $result): mixed => true);

transaction(int $attempts = 1): ActionWrapper|static

The transaction method begins a new database transaction with try/catch, if the code does not throw an exception the transaction will be committed, else the transaction will be rolled back. see


try(mixed $value): ActionWrapper|static

The try method defines how to respond to a thrown exception.

$this->try(fn() => false);
$this->try(fn(Throwable $e) => $e);

unless(mixed $condition, callable $callable): ActionWrapper|static

The unless method will execute the given callback when the condition evaluates to false, otherwise the decoratedMethod execution result will be returned.

$this->unless(fn(mixed $result): mixed => false, fn(): mixed => false);
$this->unless(false, fn(mixed $result): mixed => $result);

unsetModelRelations(): ActionWrapper|static

The unsetModelRelations method unsets all the loaded relations from the model. see


when(mixed $condition, callable $callable): ActionWrapper|static

The when method will execute the given callback when the condition evaluates to true, otherwise the decoratedMethod execution result will be returned.

$this->when(fn(mixed $result): mixed => true, fn(): mixed => true);
$this->when(true, fn(mixed $result): mixed => $result);


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see MIT license file for more information.