There is no license information available for the latest version (1.9.6) of this package.

1.9.6 2021-12-17 10:03 UTC


A composer package for SEO for all quintype projects

###Important : If any change is made to the package, do the following.

  • Create a new release.
  • Update the package in Packagist.
  • To use the new version of the package in any project, change the version number in composer.json file and run $ composer update

Note : We are making use of a package called Meta ( forked from for dynamically adding the meta tags into the pages.

Instructions to include the package into a project.

In composer.json, require Meta and SEO packages.

"require": {

Install or update the composer packages.

$ composer install
$ composer update

In the Laravel config/app.php file, add aliases to the packages for convenience.

'aliases' => [
        'Meta' => Quintype\Meta\Meta::class,
        'Seo' => Quintype\Seo\Seo::class

Add an attribute called 'title' in config/quintype.php file as a fall-back value if it is not received from the config API.

return [
    "title" => "Pina Colada"

Include both Meta and SEO classes in the necessary controllers.

use Meta;
use Seo;

Create a constructor function to initialize the Meta and SEO objects. Do not forget to pass the config(merge local config and config from API response) while initializing the Seo instance.

public function __construct(){
  $this->client = new Api(config("quintype.api-host"));
  $this->config = array_merge($this->client->config(), config('quintype'));
  $this->meta = new Meta();
  $this->seo = new Seo($this->config);

Prepare the data required for meta tags using these available functions.

$setSeo = $this->seo->FUNCTION_NAME($args);

In the function to render the view, pass the meta data.

return view('home', $this->toView([
      "meta" => $this->meta

In the <head> tag of layout.twig file(or the container twig file of the project), call the function to add the meta tags.

{{ meta.display([], true)|raw }}


  • home($pageType**)**

  • search($searchKeyword**)**

  • section($pageType, $sectionName, $sectionId**)**

  • staticPage($title**)**

  • story($pageType, $storyArray**)**

  • tag($tagName**)**