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v1.0 2014-05-22 20:04 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-29 03:21:02 UTC


Self-validating models for Laravel 4's Eloquent.

Inspired by magniloquent package.


Add quickjob/database as a requirement to composer.json:

  "require": {
    "quickjob/database": "dev-master"

Update your packages with composer update or install with composer install.

Getting Started

Magniloquent extends Eloquent rather than replaces it, and so to use Magniloquent, you need to extend your models like this:

use Quickjob\Database\Model;

class User extends Magniloquent{}

All of Eloquent's functionality is still available so you can continue to interact with your models as you normally would. If one of your models does not require validation, you don't have to use Magniloquent, you are free to mix and match.

Validation Rules

For each model, you need to set validation rules that control what type of data can be inserted into the database. Generally you are free to do this wherever you want, but to use Magniloquent you should keep your rules inside the model.

Magniloquent uses Laravel's excellent Validation class so you defining your rules is really easy.

Your validation rules are simply stored as a static parameter and are seperated into save, create and update arrays:

 * Validation rules
public static $rules = array(
  "save" => array(
    'username' => 'required|min:4',
    'email'    => 'required|email',
    'password' => 'required|min:8'
  "create" => array(
    'username'              => 'unique:users',
    'email'                 => 'unique:users',
    'password'              => 'confirmed',
    'password_confirmation' => 'required|min:8'
  "update" => array()

The save array are validation rules that are applicable whenever the model is changed. The create and update arrays are only added on their respective methods.

So in the example above, when a user is created, the username should be unique. When the user updates any of their information, the uniqueness validation test won't be applied.

Note: Magniloquent is able to correctly ignore the current object when validatings unique values.

Easier Relationships

Defining relationships in Laravel can take up a ton of room in a model. This can make reading and maintaining your models much more difficult. Luckily, Magniloquent makes defining relationships a cinch. Add a $relationships multi-dimensional array to your model. Inside it, define the name of the relationship that will be called as the key and the value to be an array of parameters. The first parameter is the type of relationship. The rest are the parameters to be passed to that function. Below is an example:

class Athlete extends Magniloquent {

    protected static $relationships = array(
        'trophies' => array('hasMany', 'Trophy'),
        'team'     => array('belongsTo', 'Team', 'team_id'),
        'sports'   => array('belongsToMany', 'Sport', 'athletes_sports', 'athlete_id', 'sport_id')


Custom Purging

Magniloquent will automatically purge any attributes that start with an underscore _ or end with _confirmation. If you want to purge additional fields, add a protected static $purgeable array whose keys are the attributes to purge. Below is an example:

class Account extends Magniloquent {

    protected static $purgeable = ['ssn'];


Anytime this model is saved, the $ssn attribute will be removed from the object before it is saved. This allows you to run code the code below without worrying about inserting unnecessary data into the database.


Custom Display Names

Magniloquent gives you the ability to customize the display name of each of the fields that are under validation. Just add a protected $niceNames array for a static declaration, or setup the niceName() method to add dynamic values, like translations 'email' => trans('labels.email') your model where the keys are the field names and the values are their display names. Below is an example.

protected $niceNames = array(
    'email'     => 'email address'


protected function niceNames() {
  return array(
    'email'     => trans('labels.email')

Now, anytime there are issues with email validation, the message to the user will say "email address" instead of "email."

Controller Example

Here is an example store method:

 * Store a newly created resource in storage.
 * @return Response
public function store()
  $s = User::create(Input::all());

    return Redirect::route('users.index')
      ->with('flash', 'The new user has been created');

  return Redirect::route('users.create')

First Use Laravel's create method and send in the Input::all(). Save the return value into a variable.

Second Determine whether the model saved corrected using the saved() method.

Third Return the validation errors using the errors() method.

The returned errors use Laravel's MessageBag.