Command line interface for the TinyQueries Compiler

v2.2.2 2020-05-08 17:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 01:49:50 UTC


Command line interface written in PHP for the TinyQueries™ Compiler


  • Make sure you have an API key for the TinyQueries™ Compiler. You can get one here: You can choose to add TINYQUERIES_API_KEY to your ENV variables OR add it to the .env file of your project if you have one.
  • Make sure you have PHP v7.0 or higher
  • For Windows download the files bin/tqc.phar and bin/tqc.bat from this repo and put them in a folder which is in your PATH
  • For Mac/Linux run these commands:
    sudo mv tqc.phar /usr/local/bin/tqc
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tqc

Setup TinyQueries™ for your project

It is assumed you have a folder for your project. It can be an empty folder or a folder which contains other code as well.

  • Create a folder inside your project folder (for example tinyqueries) in which you put your TinyQueries source queries
  • Create a folder inside your project folder (for example sql) in which you want the compiler to put your compiled queries
  • Create a config file tinyqueries.json or tinyqueries.yaml in the root of your project folder. For example:
  label: your-project-label
  dialect: mysql
  input: ./tinyqueries
  output: ./sql

For a more detailed description of config files please check

Compile your queries

Once you have setup your project you just have to execute


from your project folder each time you want to compile your source files

Use the lib as PHP package

If you want to call the TinyQueries™ Compiler from inside a PHP script, instead of from the command line, you can do that as follows:

composer require querytechnology/tqc

Example PHP file how to compile your queries:


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use TinyQueries\Compiler;

$compiler = new Compiler();
$apiKey = 'your-api-key';
$config = [
  'project' => [
    'label' => 'your-project-label'
  'compiler' => [
    'dialect' => 'mysql',
    'input' => './tinyqueries',
    'output' => './sql'
$compiler->compile($config, $apiKey);