
SolR Metrics Statistics Munin Plugin

1.0.6 2018-10-21 08:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 08:31:12 UTC


Munin plugin using (new) SolR Metrics API.



git clone (prefered):

cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/quazardous/munin-solr-metrics.git
cd munin-solr-metrics/
composer install

Or composer local:

composer require quazardous/munin-solr-metrics

Or composer global:

composer global require quazardous/munin-solr-metrics

NB: Using composer as root is discouraged !


Soft link into munin plugin:

(cd /etc/munin/plugins/; ln -s /opt/munin-solr-metrics/bin/munin_solr_metrics solr_metrics)

This will use the default profile.

You can use a specific profile:

(cd /etc/munin/plugins/; ln -s /opt/munin-solr-metrics/bin/munin_solr_metrics solr_metrics_my_profile)

This will use the profile my_profile in the config file (see below).

Config file


The plugin will search for a config file in this order:

  • The file specified with the environment variable MUNIN_SOLR_METRICS_CONFIG
  • ./.munin-solr-metrics.php
  • $HOME/.munin-solr-metrics.php
  • /etc/munin-solr-metrics.php

NB: You can inject environment variables by adding a plugin conf file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/solr_metrics:

#user solr
env.MUNIN_SOLR_METRICS_CONFIG /path/to/munin-solr-metrics.php
timeout 30


The config file is a PHP file returning a config array.


return [
   // First level elements are profiles.
   // Each profile will produce a multigraph plugin.
   'default' => [
   	 // You have to define the SolR Metrics API query
       'solr_metrics_query' => 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/metrics',
       // You can use any query parameters. Be aware that some parameters can change the response structure and affect the metric definitions below.
       // 'solr_metrics_query' => 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/metrics?group=core',
       //'solr_auth' => 'user:password', // the plugin can handle basic auth
       'graphs' => [
           // each graph element will produce a munin graph entry.
           'graph1' => [
               'fields' => [
                   '2xx' => [
                       // You can target any existing metric
                       // Use `|` (pipe) to create a metric path. 
                       'metric' => 'solr.jetty|org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.2xx-responses|count',
                       // Any othe attribute will be added as field attribute to the munin graph config.
                       'draw' => 'LINE', // will produce `_2xx.draw LINE`
                   '2xx.1minRate' => [
                       'metric' => 'solr.jetty|org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.2xx-responses|1minRate',
                   'error' => [
                       'metric' => [
                           // if metric is an array, metrics will be aggregated
                       // by default metrics are added together but you can specify your own function, metrics are passed by arg in order
                       // 'metric_aggregate' => function ($metric1, $metric2) { return $metric1 + $metric2; }, 
               // Any other attributes will be added to the munin graph config.
               'graph_category' => 'solr',
               'graph_info' => 'Something meaningful',

Look into contrib\examples for more examples.