
unofficial PHP sdk for Textocat

dev-master 2017-02-15 11:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:24:14 UTC


This sdk is not maintained and based on the really old API. Do not use this.

Unofficial Textocat PHP SDK

This is unofficial PHP sdk for Textocat.
It is lazily maintained and recommended as an example of usage,
but not supposed to be used as an backbone for real app.

License? BSD, I guess.

Link below contains a list of currently provided methods by Textocat:
Textocat API.


No serious dependencies, but wrappers need some pretty ways to make
HTTP requests, so tiny Qweb\Request lies in.
In current implementation it is not a trivial task to change this
library because code is hardly bound to it. Going to change that one day.


Easy with Composer:
composer require 'quasilyte/textocat-php-sdk:dev-master'



// Say you already installed `textocat-php-sdk' via `composer'
// then next line is sufficient to have all classes ready to be loaded.
require "./vendor/autoload.php";

use \TextocatSDK\Http\Client as KittyClient;
use \TextocatSDK\Textocat as Kitty;

// Shortest way possible:
$result = (new KittyClient('--API KEY--'))->batch(Kitty::Document(
  'Председатель совета директоров ОАО «МДМ Банк» Олег Вьюгин — о том, чему
   приведет обмен санкциями между Россией и Западом в следующем году.
   Беседовала Светлана Сухова.'

// * Create client instance; it must know your `auth_token'
// * Instantiate a batch from client with single document (50 is max)
// * Launch blocking `retrieve' method to receive results


Overall, to manipulate single Batch, use its methods;
when it is time to collect multiple batches, use Client methods.

There are sync and non-locking types of methods.
Sync methods just execute an request, checking while it is
ready and only when return the control among with result.

Above code snippet + one advanced script can be found at: examples

```php require "./vendor/autoload.php";

use \TextocatSDK\Http\Client; use \TextocatSDK\Textocat;

$client = Client(API_KEY);

$doc1 = Textocat::document(file_get_contents('some input file1')); $doc2 = Textocat::document(file_get_contents('some input file2'));

// It is better to always pass an array, but when there is only one // document in a batch, we want a syntactic sugar (and you got it!): $batch1 = $client->batch($doc1)->queue()->sync(); $batch2 = $client->batch([$doc2])->queue()->sync();

var_dump($client->retrieveAll([$batch1, $batch2]);

### Conformity with Textocat API 0.3

  * `Entity`
    * `POST|queue` supported via Batch instance
    * `GET|request` supported via Batch instance
    * `GET|retrieve` supported via Client and Batch instances
    * `GET|search` supported via Client instance
  * `Service`
    * `GET|status` supported via Service static methods
