
PHP client to connect to the Teamleader API

v1.0.1 2021-11-30 14:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 05:22:35 UTC



PHP client to connect to the Teamleader API.


The package is available via composer:

$ composer require nascom/teamleader-api-client

Basic usage


This package requires an HTTP client supported by PHP-HTTP. A default implementation has been provided if you use Guzzle (guzzlehttp/guzzle).


The Teamleader API uses OAuth2.0 to authenticate requests. We rely on The PHP league's OAuth2 client, with the third-party Teamleader provider to handle this.


use Nascom\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Teamleader;

$provider = new Teamleader([
    'clientId' => 'your-client-id',
    'clientSecret' => 'your-client-secret',
    'redirectUri' => 'http://example.com/your/redirect/uri'

You can use this provider to fetch an access token. See the League documentation for an example.

Setting up the client

The access token retrieved from the previous step is required to instantiate the API client. You'll need an HTTP client as well. If you use guzzle, a default factory has been provided.


use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Http\Guzzle\GuzzleApiClientFactory;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Http\ApiClient\ApiClient;

// Instantiate the client using the default Guzzle implementation.
$apiClient = GuzzleApiClientFactory::create(
    [ // Optional extra configuration.
        'timeout' => 3.0, 
        'callback' => function($newActionToken) {
            // Do stuff with the new token
            // ...

// Alternatively, you can use any other PHP-HTTP compatible client of your
// choosing to instantiate the API client.
$apiClient = new ApiClient(

Making requests

Once you have the API client set up, you can start making requests. This is done by passing a Request object to the client's handle method. A PSR-7 ResponseInterface will be returned.

All available requests can be found here.


use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\CRM\Companies\CompaniesAddRequest;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\CRM\Companies\CompaniesDeleteRequest;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\CRM\Companies\CompaniesInfoRequest;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\CRM\Companies\CompaniesListRequest;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\CRM\Companies\CompaniesUpdateRequest;

// Performing a companies.add request
$company = [
    'name' => 'TeamLeader',
    'emails' => [
        ['type' => 'primary', 'email' => 'sales@teamleader.eu'],
        ['type' => 'invoicing', 'email' => 'invoicing@teamleader.eu'],
    'language' => 'en',
    'website' => 'https://teamleader.eu/',
$request = new CompaniesAddRequest($company);
$response = $apiClient->handle($request);
$linkedCompany = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);

// Performing a companies.info request
$request = new CompaniesInfoRequest($linkedCompany['data']['id']);
$response = $apiClient->handle($request);
$company = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true)['data'];

// Performing a companies.update request
$company['custom_fields'][0]['value'] = 'New Custom Value';
$request = new CompaniesUpdateRequest($company);

// Performing a companies.delete request
$request = new CompaniesDeleteRequest($linkedCompany['data']['id']);

// Performing a companies.list request
$request = new CompaniesListRequest();
$response = $apiClient->handle($request);
$companies = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());

// Performing a companies.list request with filters, pagination and sorting
$filters = [
    'email' => [
        'type' => 'primary',
        'email' => 'info@example.org',
$pagination = [
    'size' => 5,
    'number' => 1,
$sorting = [
    'name' => 'asc',
    'added_at' => 'desc',
$request = new CompaniesListRequest();
$response = $apiClient->handle($request);
$companies = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());

Using the repository classes

If you want to work with deserialized models, you can make use of the Teamleader class. This acts as a wrapper for the API. You'll need to install Symfony's Serializer component (symfony/serializer) for this.

Instantiate teamleader as shown below to make use of the repositories

$teamleader = \QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Teamleader::withDefaultSerializer($apiClient);

use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Model\Company\Company;
use QR\TeamleaderApiClient\Model\Aggregate\Email;

// Performing a companies.add request
$company = new Company();
$emails = [
    new Email('sales@teamleader.eu', 'primary'),
    new Email('invoicing@teamleader.eu', 'invoicing'),
$linkedCompany = $teamleader->companies()->addCompany($company);

// Performing a companies.info request
$company = $teamleader->companies()->getCompany($linkedCompany->getId());

// Performing a companies.update request
$customFields = $company->getCustomFields();
$customFields[0]->setValue('New custom value');

// Performing a companies.delete request

// Performing a companies.list request
$companies = $teamleader->companies()->listCompanies();

// Performing a companies.list request with filters, pagination and sorting
$filters = [
    'email' => [
        'type' => 'primary',
        'email' => 'info@example.org',
$pagination = [
    'size' => 5,
    'number' => 1,
$sorting = [
    'name' => 'asc',
    'added_at' => 'desc',
$companies = $teamleader->companies()->listCompanies($filters, $pagination, $sorting);

Known issues

The timeTracking.info request results in a '400 Bad Request' response: {"errors":[{"code":0,"title":"Key id must be present","status":400,"meta":{"field":"id"}}]}