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Add type constraints and coerce input types during validation

1.0.0 2024-03-19 09:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 10:08:44 UTC


Add new parameters strict and cast to the existing Laravel rules: integer, numeric, decimal, boolean.

To install Laravel Type Validator, simply require it via Composer:

composer require qtlenh/laravel-strict-validator

Use strict to strictly check the input data type (suitable for designing APIs that receive JSON payloads).

Occasionally, frontend developers may not send data type as you expect. Use the cast parameter to coerce the input data to the correct data type being validated.

  'width' => 'integer:strict', // return error if `width` is string type
  'height' => 'integer:cast', // cast `height` to integer type if it is valid