qsnh / think-upload
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.
No replacement package was suggested.
Thinkphp5 FileUpload Library.
2016-12-10 14:27 UTC
- php: >=5.4.0
- aliyuncs/oss-sdk-php: ~2.0
- qiniu/php-sdk: *
Thinkphp5 has only local file upload feature,But many projects require use Qiniu or Aliyun cloud storage.So i wrote a library.
Create upload.php
file on the application/extra
directory.And copy the following code:
return [
'driver' => 'aliyun',
/** limit file size,unit:byte,if the value equal 0 the file size will not restricted. */
'size' => 1024 * 1024,
/** allow file extension.if is empty the file extension has no limit. */
'ext' => [],
/** allow file type by file mime.if is empty the file type has no limit. */
'type' => [],
'path' => './images/',
'default' => [
/** access url */
'remote_url' => 'http://xx.com/public/',
'qiniu' => [
'access_key' => '',
'secret_key' => '',
'bucket' => '',
/** access url */
'remote_url' => '',
'upyun' => [
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'bucket' => '',
/** access url */
'remote_url' => '',
'aliyun' => [
/** Internal net url or External net url */
'oss_server' => '',
'access_key_id' => '',
'access_key_secret' => '',
'bucket' => '',
/** access url */
'remote_url' => '',
Please open bucket read authority if you use aliyun driver.because bucket read authority was closed,the server will return AccessDeined.
use Qsnh\think\Upload\Upload;
$upload = new Upload(config('upload'));
// $result = $upload->upload('avatar', '123.jpg');
$result = $upload->upload('avatar'); // first parameter is folder path; second parameter is custom filename(default: null)
if (!$result) {
The upload() method has an optional parammeters.It default value is file
.And it equal the name of file component.