qa-data / psr7-http-message
HTTP message interface
- php: >=8.1
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^2.7
Requires (Dev)
- nette/tester: ^2.5
- orisai/coding-standard: ^3.10
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.12
is HTTP message interface. It's very useful interface especially for middleware / relay pattern. Read more on official PHP-FIG website.
This package is based on a package from the guys at Contributte - PSR-7 HTTP Message, which is based on guzzle/psr7.
To install latest version of qa-data/psr7-http-message
use Composer.
composer require qa-data/psr7-http-message
The easiest way is to create request using Psr7RequestFactory
use Contributte\Psr7\Psr7RequestFactory; $psr7 = Psr7RequestFactory::fromGlobals();
Additional methods (against PSR7 interface):
- of(RequestInterface $request): self
- getContents(): mixed
- getContentsCopy(): mixed
- getJsonBody(bool $associative = true): mixed
- getJsonBodyCopy(bool $associative = true): mixed
Additional methods (against PSR7 interface):
- of(ServerRequestInterface $request): self
- fromGlobals(): self
- withAttributes(array $attributes): self
- hasQueryParam(string $name): bool
- getQueryParam(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed
The easiest way is to create request using Psr7ResponseFactory
use Contributte\Psr7\Psr7ResponseFactory; $psr7 = Psr7ResponseFactory::fromGlobal();
Additional methods (against PSR7 interface):
- of(ResponseInterface $response): self
- fromGlobals(): self
- appendBody(mixed $body): self
- rewindBody(): self
- writeBody(mixed $body): self
- writeJsonBody(array $data): self
- writeJsonObject(JsonSerializable $object): self
- getJsonBody(bool $associative = true): mixed
- getContents(bool $rewind = true): mixed
- withHeaders(array $headers): self
- send(): void
- sendHeaders(): void
- sendBody(): void
getProtocolVersion: string
withProtocolVersion(string $version): static
getHeaders(): array
hasHeader(string $name): bool
getHeader(string $name): string[]
getHeaderLine(string $name): string
withHeader(string $name, string|string[] $value): static
withAddedHeader(string $name, string|string[] $value): static
withoutHeader(string $name): static
getBody(): StreamInterface
withBody(StreamInterface $body): static
RequestInterface << MessageInterface
getRequestTarget(): string
withRequestTarget($requestTarget): static
getMethod(): string
withMethod(string $method): static
ServerRequestInterface << RequestInterface
getServerParams(): array
getCookieParams(): array
withCookieParams(array $cookies): static
getQueryParams(): array
withQueryParams(array $query): static
getUploadedFiles(): UploadedFileInterface[]
withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles): static
getParsedBody(): mixed
withParsedBody($data): static
getAttributes(): mixed[]
getAttribute(string $name, $default = null): mixed
withAttribute(string $name, $value): static
withoutAttribute(string $name): static
ResponseInterface << MessageInterface
getStatusCode(): int
withStatus(int $code, string $reasonPhrase = ''): static
getReasonPhrase(): string
__toString(): string
close(): void
detach(): ?resource
getSize(): ?int
tell(): int
eof(): bool
isSeekable(): bool
seek(int $offset, int $whence = SEEK_SET): void
rewind(): void
isWritable(): bool
write($string): void
isReadable(): bool
read($length): string
getContents(): string
getMetadata(?string $key = null): mixed
getScheme(): string
withScheme(string $scheme): static
getAuthority(): string
getUserInfo(): string
withUserInfo(string $user, ?string $password = null): static
getHost(): string
withHost(string $host): static
getPort(): ?int
withPort(?int $port): static
getPath(): string
withPath(string $path): static
getQuery(): string
withQuery(string $query): static
getFragment(): string
withFragment(string $fragment): static
__toString(): string
getStream(): StreamInterface
moveTo($targetPath): void
getSize(): ?int
getError(): int
getClientFilename(): ?string
getClientMediaType(): ?string