
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the pyrsmk/olive2 package instead.

Handle several database types with the same API

0.26.7 2016-05-26 17:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:45:21 UTC


This library is now obsolete. Its successor is Olive2, a small wrapper around PDO.

Olive is a database library that aims to handle several databases with one simple API. It is designed for small to medium projects that don't need to be highly optimized because the API just supports the common tasks.

This project is a proof-of-concept and should be used as is.

Even if you can switch between different database types (like MySQL and MongoDB) with the same project and the same data structure, I do not encourage anyone to do it. Each database system has its own pros and cons and you should choose wisely what to use for your needs. Moreover, some methods on the API can be greedy, like join() with MongoDB which runs one additional request per join to retrieve data.

Please note that MongoDB is relation-less and should not be used with relational data structures.


composer require pyrsmk/olive


  • CRUD operations
  • querying with support for AND/OR operators
  • select fields
  • create aliases
  • joining
  • sorting
  • limit and skip results
  • support for regexes
  • namespaces
  • simple ORM/ODM support

Create database connection

Creating a database connection works the same over all database adapters, it takes a database name as first argument and an array of options as second. Here's the available options for each database object :


// Create a connection to a database on localhost using default 27017 port
$olive=new Olive\Mongodb('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah'

// Create a connection to (you can easily add more hosts if you want)
$olive=new Olive\Mongodb('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah',
    'hosts' => array(
        '' => 67095


// Create a connection on localhost ('host' option is optional)
$olive=new Olive\Mysql('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah',
    'host' => 'localhost'


// Create a simple connection with SQLite3
$olive=new Olive\Sqlite('path/to/database.db');

// Create a connection with SQLite2
$olive=new Olive\Sqlite('path/to/database.db', array(
    'sqlite2' => true

Get data containers

A data container is an abstraction class for a table or a collection, per example. Data containers are the entry point to create queries. We can retrieve them with a simple call to :

$olive = new Olive\MariaDB('my_database', $options);

// Get the users table
$container = $olive->users;

If your table has a weird name, you can get it anyway with :

$container = $olive['some_weird#table;name'];

We strongly advise you to use namespaces in your applications so that your database is not pollute by random tables and avoid incompatibility issues between different applications/websites :

$container = $olive->my_app_users;

In Olive, you can specify a global namespace for simplicity :

// Set the global namespace
// Get the global namespace

If you need to remove the global namespace :


CRUD operations

The insert(), update(), save() and remove() are used for basic CRUD operations. These methods can accept an additional argument : an array of options for the driver. Please refer to the related PHP documentation pages (in PDO or MongoDB chapters) to have further information about it.

// Insert data
$new_id = $olive->people->insert(array(
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'age' => 52

// Update data
      ->search('_id', 'is', $new_id)
            'firstname' => 'John',
            'lastname' => 'Doe',
            'age' => 52

// Save data
    '_id' => 123,
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'age' => 52

// Remove data
      ->search('_id', 'is', $new_id)


Searching & fetching

As you have seen, searches use a simple syntax to handle conditional operators. These operators are :

  • is : equality operator
  • is not : non-equality operator
  • less : the field value is less than the specified value
  • greater : the field value is greater than the specified value
  • in : verify if the field value is in the specified array
  • not in : verify if the field value is not in the specified array
  • like : use the LIKE SQL syntax to match a field against a pattern
  • not like : use the LIKE SQL syntax to verify if the field does not match the provided pattern
  • match : use regexes to match a string against a pattern
  • not match : use regexes to verify if the field does not match the provided pattern

Take a look at how we're getting results :

$ids = array(14, 51, 20, 18);

// Search for articles with an ID that is not in the $ids array
      ->search('_id', 'not in', $ids)

// Get all articles

The fetch() method retrieves all results. But there's other methods like fetchOne() which get the first row in the results and fetchFirst() that get the first field of the first row. Let's see a concrete example for that case :

// Get the title of the article with the 72 ID
             ->search('_id', 'is', 72)

There's also direct methods to search and retrieve in one call :

// Get articles written by '@pyrsmk'
$olive->articles->find('author_id', 'is', '@pyrsmk');
// Get one article
$olive->articles->findOne('_id', 'is', 10);
// Get the first field of the requested article
$olive->articles->findFirst('_id', 'is', 10);

But please note that findFirst() is here for API consistency. Since we're not selecting any field, all of them are returned and the first field is often the ID of the row.

Of course, you can specify several searches in one request. Each search will be appended to the request with a AND operator.

// Let's get admins less older than 50 yo
             ->search('group', 'is', 'admins')
             ->search('age', 'less', '50')

Let's get a further look how searching works. In fact, each call to search() will be concatenated with AND operators. But we sometimes need to add an OR clause to the query. It is obtained by calling the orSearch() method :

$olive->articles->search('author_id', 'is', '@pyrsmk')
                ->orSearch('author_id', 'is', '@dreamysource')
                ->orSearch('author_id', 'is', '@4lbl');

All orSearch() clauses will be appended to the previous search.

Last note on this subject : calling search() returns a new Query object. It could happen that you need, per example, to do a loop and add a search at each cycle. In that case, you'll need to get a new query before calling search() :

$query = $olive->my_table

foreach($data as $name => $value) {
	$query->search($name, 'is', $value);

$results = $query->fetch();

Select fields & set aliases

// Get title, text, author and date fields
$article = $olive->articles
                 ->search('_id', 'is', 72)

// The second parameter of select() is the alias
$item = $olive->items
              ->search('iditem', 'is', 72)
              ->select('iditem', '_id')
              ->select('text', 'french')
              ->select('title', 'h1')

With a SQL database, you could need to set aliases for several tables in your query to avoid conflicts :

$results = $olive->categories
		 ->search('root.idparent', 'is', $id)
		 ->from('categories', 'root')
		 ->from('categories', 'subcategories')
		 ->join('root.idparent', 'subcategories.idcat')
		 ->join('subcategories.idcat', 'items.idcat')
		 ->select('subcategories.idcat', '_id')
		 ->join('items.idimg', 'images.idimg')
		 ->select('images.uriimg', 'image')


// Get articles from two weeks ago, with the author name
      ->search('date', 'greater', time() - 1209600)
      ->join('articles.author_id', '')
      ->select('', 'author')


The sort() method takes the field and the sorting direction as arguments. The direction is either asc or desc.

      ->sort('date', 'desc')


// Get the 10 newest articles
      ->sort('date', 'desc')


Skipping results is useful when using limit() for pagination.

// Get articles for the page 3
      ->sort('date', 'desc')


For ease of use, you can directly count how many results that a search should return.

      ->search('date', 'greater', time() - 1209600)

Create models

To simplify your models and have a nice object-oriented API, you can extend Olive\Model. The constructor takes an Olive object as argument and expects that $singular, $plural, $data_container and $primary_key class properties are well defined. Let's say we have a users table that we want to map, here's how we're defining it :

class MyUsersModel extends Olive\Model{
    // 'singular' and 'plural' properties are used in calls (see the method below)
    protected $singular='user';
    protected $plural='users';
    // Define the data container name (AKA table or collection name)
    protected $data_container='users';
    // Define the primary key name
    protected $primary_key='_id';

That's all we need for a simple model. But you often need specific queries to optimize things. You can just do it by adding a new method to your class, like getThoseFuckingWeirdResults().

Here's the exhaustive list of the methods you can natively call (replace singular and plural parameters by those you defined in your class) :

  • <singular>Exists($id) : verify if an element with the provided id exists (ex : userExists(123))
  • <singular>Exists($search) : verify if an element with the provided search exists (ex : userExists(array('email'=>'')))
  • <singular>ExistsBy<SearchField>($value) : verify if an element exists by verifying one of its field (ex : userExistsByEmail(''))
  • <plural>Exist($search) : verify if several elements exist (ex : usersExist(array('name'=>'Thomas')))
  • <plural>ExistBy<SearchField>($value) : verify if several elements exist against a field value (ex : usersExistByName('Thomas'))
  • count<Plural>() : count results (ex : countUsers())
  • count<Plural>($search) : count results (ex : countUsers('name','is','Thomas'))
  • count<Plural>By<SearchField>($value) : count results by searching a field (ex : countUsersByName('Thomas'))
  • insert<Singular>($data) : insert data (ex : insertUser($data))
  • insert<Plural>($data) : insert several rows (ex : insertUsers($data))
  • add<Singular>($data) : alias of insert<Singular>
  • add<Plural>($data) : alias of insert<Plural>
  • get<Singular>($id, $fields) : get a row by its id (ex : getUser(72))
  • get<Singular>($search, $fields) : get a row by a specific search (ex : getUser(array('email'=>'')))
  • get<Singular><Field>($id) : get a field by id (ex : getUserEmail(72))
  • get<Singular><Field>($search) : get a field by a specific search (ex : getUserEmail(array('name' => 'Thomas')))
  • get<Singular>By<SearchField>($value, $fields) : get at row by a field (ex : getUserByName('Thomas'))
  • get<Singular><Field>By<SearchField>($value) : get a field by a search on another field (ex : getUserEmailByName('Thomas'))
  • get<Plural>($search, $fields) : search for several rows (ex : getUsers(array('status' => 'admin')))
  • get<Plural><Field>($search) : search for several rows but retrieve one field (ex : getUsersEmail(array('status' => 'admin')))
  • get<Plural>By<SearchField>($value, $fields) : search for several rows by a specific field (ex : getUsersByStatus('admin'))
  • get<Plural><Field>By<SearchField>($value) : search for several rows by a specific field, and return one field per row (ex : getUsersEmailByStatus('admin'))
  • update<Singular>($id, $data) : update an ID specific element (ex : updateUser(72, $data))
  • update<Singular>($search, $data) : update an element with a search (ex : updateUser(array('_id' => 72), $data))
  • update<Singular><Field>($id, $value) : update a specific field of an element (ex : updateUserName(72,'Pierre'))
  • update<Singular><Field>($search, $value) : update a specific field of an element with a search (ex : updateUserName(array('_id' => 72), 'Pierre'))
  • update<Singular>By<SearchField>($value, $data) : update an element by searching a field (ex : updateUserById(72, $data))
  • update<Singular><Field>By<SearchField>($search_value, $field_value) : update the field of an element by searching another field (ex : updateUserNameById(72, 'Pierre'))
  • update<Plural>($search, $data) : update several elements (ex : updateUsers(array('name' => 'Pierre'), $data))
  • update<Plural><Field>($search, $value) : update several element fields (ex : updateUsersName(array('name' => 'Pierre'), 'Jacques'))
  • update<Plural>By<SearchField>($value, $data) : update several elements by searching a field (ex : updateUsersByName('Pierre', $data))
  • update<Plural><Field>By<SearchField>($search_value, $field_value) : update several elements field by searching another field (ex : updateUsersNameByName('Pierre', 'Jacques'))
  • save<Singular>($data) : save data (ex : saveUser($data))
  • set<Singular>($data) : alias of save<Singular>
  • remove<Singular>($id) : remove an element (ex : removeUser(72))
  • remove<Singular>($search) : remove an element by search (ex : removeUser(array('_id' => 72)))
  • remove<Singular>By<SearchField>($value) : remove an element by searching a field (ex : removeUserByEmail(''))
  • remove<Plural>($search) : remove several elements (ex : removeUsers(array('name' => 'Pierre')))
  • remove<Plural>By<SearchField>($value) : remove several elements by searching a field (ex : removeUsersByName('Pierre'))
  • delete<Singular>($id) : alias of remove<Singular>
  • delete<Singular>($search) : alias of remove<Singular>
  • delete<Singular>By<SearchField>($value) : alias of remove<Singular>By<SearchField>
  • delete<Plural>($search) : alias of remove<Plural>
  • delete<Plural>By<SearchField>($value) : alias of remove<Plural>By<SearchField>

We should take a look at all those variables defined in the API. Most of them talk by themselves but not $search or $fields. The $search parameter is an associative array that lists the fields with the value to match for the query :

// Remove any user with their email and name fields set to '' and 'Thomas' respectively
    'email' => '',
    'name' => 'Thomas'

The $fields parameter is also an associative array that lists the fields to retrieve and maps aliases :

// Get an user with the following fields : '_id', 'email', 'date' (alias of 'user_creation') and 'text' (alias of 'profile_text')
    'user_creation' => 'date'
    'profile_text' => 'text'

Advanced use

// Get table/collection names
$names = $olive->getDataContainerNames();

// Get database object (like PDO, MongoClient, ...)
$driver = $olive->getDriver();

// Verify adapter support
if(Olive\Mysql::isSupported()) {
	// MySQL is currently supported in the PHP environment

Last notes

  • you may want to use _id as default primary key for your tables because it's the key used in MongoDB, so you can use it across you applications regardless of the database in use
  • in MongoDB all _id primary keys are an instance of ObjectId, in Olive we automatically stringify the id and create objects when needed : shortly, you don't need to bother about ObjectId at all


Olive is released under the MIT license.