
Converts files from one format, such as '.docx' or '.xlsx' to another, such as '.pdf' or '.csv'

dev-master 2016-04-07 11:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 05:07:53 UTC


Symfony bundle to converts files from one format, such as '.docx' or '.xlsx' to another, such as '.pdf' or '.csv'.
Accepted formats: .docx .doc .xlsx .xls .ppt .pdf .csv .odt .odp .ods and much more




Download the bundle using composer

$ composer require px-core/libre-office-converter "dev-master"

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/px-core/libre-office-converter directory.

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new pxCore\LibreOfficeConverterBundle\pxCoreLibreOfficeConverterBundle()
        // ...

If libreoffice is not installed yet use this command

$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Configure the libreoffice parameter (path to your libreoffice lib)

    # ...
    libreoffice: /usr/bin/libreoffice	# Default value

On Unix or Linux variants the LibreOffice executable will usually be found in /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice
(link: /usr/bin/libreoffice)


Exemple1: Convert WORD to PDF:

// Create a new instance of pxCore_libreOffice_converter_service 
$wordToPdfService = $this->get('pxCore_libreOffice_converter_service');

$webDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../web';
// The word file path
$wordPath = $webDir . '/word/test.docx';
// The outDir in wich we will put the generated PDF
$outDir = $webDir . '/pdf';
$toFormat = 'pdf';
// Generate the PDF file
$wordToPdfService->convert($wordPath, $outDir, $toFormat);

Exemple2: Convert XLSX to CSV:

// Create a new instance of pxCore_libreOffice_converter_service 
$pxCoreLibreOfficeConverter = $this->get('pxCore_libreOffice_converter_service');

$webDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../web';
// The xlsx file path
$xlsxPath = $webDir . '/xlsx/test2.xlsx';
// The outDir in wich we will put the generated csv file
$outdir = $webDir . '/csv';
$toFormat = 'csv';
// Generate the csv file
$pxCoreLibreOfficeConverter->convert($xlsxPath, $outdir, $toFormat);
