
A simple Router that maps incoming requests to predefined handlers

1.1.0 2017-07-03 13:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 01:34:30 UTC


Build Status codecov Maintainability Test Coverage License: MIT

A simple Router that maps incoming requests to predefined handlers.

It builds a tree using segments of a predefined uri as internal nodes and its corresponding handler as the terminal node. It resolves routes by traversing this tree.

Wildcard segments are supported and captured for use in the handler. See usage for more detail.

Exact segment match wins over wildcard match. Eg. if you have /foo/bar and /foo/{x} defined as routes with corresponding handlers Bar and X then /foo/bar will be handled by Bar while /foo/baz will be handled by X.

Table of Contents


PHP 7.1+


composer require pwm/sfw-router


// Router depends on Request
use SFW\Request\Request;
use SFW\Request\RequestMethod as Method;
use SFW\Request\RequestUri as Uri;

// Have some controllers
class FooCtrl
    public function getAll(Request $request): array { /* ... */ }
    public function post(Request $request): bool { /* ... */ }
class BarCtrl
    public function getById(Request $request, $fooId, $barId): Bar { /* ... */ }

// Create router
$router = new Router();

// Add routes and corresponding route handlers
$router->add(new Route(new Method(Method::GET), new Uri('/foo')), new RouteHandler(FooCtrl::class, 'getAll'));
$router->add(new Route(new Method(Method::POST), new Uri('/foo')), new RouteHandler(FooCtrl::class, 'post'));
$router->add(new Route(new Method(Method::GET), new Uri('/foo/{id}/bar/{id}')), new RouteHandler(BarCtrl::class, 'getById'));

// Resolve a handler for an incoming request
$routeHandler = $router->resolve(new Route($request->getMethod(), $request->getUri()));

// (Optional) Resolve the handler class from the container and call the handling method 
$response = $container
    ->{$routeHandler->getMethodName()}($request, ...$routeHandler->getRoute()->getCapturedSegments());

How it works



$ vendor/bin/phpunit
$ composer phpcs
$ composer phpstan


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